LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Change needed for 11th Ward City Council

I am a 65-year-old retired social worker and 11th Ward resident.  As an active participant in our local democracy, I support Jeremy Schroeder to represent me and the rest of the Ward 11 on the Minneapolis City Council.  I spent over 25 years as a social worker at Hennepin County Medical Center working in The Birth Center, assisting pregnant women and their families in getting the services they needed to be stable and thrive in our city.  Throughout my career and in my involvement with the community, I have learned the value of good leadership.  Having that in Ward 11 is very important to me, and that is why I choose to follow Jeremy.
I am active in DFL Senate District 63, and I have known Jeremy for the last years through that work.  Jeremy reached out to me when he announced he was running to share his thoughts on important issues we are facing every day in the 11th Ward.  I am excited for him to share that vision with Minneapolis as part of the City Council.
Jeremy cares about low-wage workers and affordable housing.  He supports zoning and policy that promises walkability, cyclists and transit.  He has proven experience working with law enforcement in his work to abolish the death penalty in Illinois.  “Proven” is the quality I keep coming back to when I think about Jeremy’s experience and his potential to be a great City Council member.  I know that Jeremy will show up, listen to the community, and work tenaciously to pass policy that makes Minneapolis even better than it is today.
Jeremy thinks about things differently than I do, as a baby boomer.  As I look to the next generation of leaders, I know Jeremy will have a different perspective, and that it will be good for the city.  He and his wife, Katie, are young parents, which should and does influence many of his positions.  Jeremy’s ideas, communication skills and willingness to work with people are why I’ll be supporting his candidacy at the upcoming DFL caucus and convention. I encourage my neighbors to join me in bringing this positive change to Ward 11.

Wendy Gaskill
11th Ward Resident, Northrup Neighborhood

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