Nero of the Northland

BY ED FELIEN Instead of burning Roman slums to make way for the Via del Corso to the Colosseum, Michael Schroeder, the planning “genius” of the Park Board, is flooding homes in South Minneapolis to make room for his vision of a swamp. If Nero could be credited with the…

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Summer on Cedar Avenue

BY DEBORAH KEEFER RAMAGE Where to eat on Cedar Avenue? Twice now, in The Dish, I have reviewed a really good Persian restaurant in my son’s neighborhood of the northern Atlanta suburb of John’s Creek. My excuse was that Minneapolis didn’t have a real Persian restaurant. But last time, I…

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Summer in St. Paul’s Highland Park

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Highland Bridge status check-in I started writing the July articles on Highland Park in 2016, so this marks our ninth piece summarizing the year’s news on this St. Paul neighborhood. In 2016, we noted the impact of automobiles and the Ford plant on Highland Park’s development.…

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Israeli defenders defeat Holocaust scholar

BY CLINT COMBS Few months in University of Minnesota history, if any, were like June, with Raz Segal seemingly on his way to the Twin Cities to run the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS), only to see the deal killed by university officials. The University of Minnesota appeared…

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Correction to “District 62B endorsement struggle”

BY ERICK BOUSTEAD The original May 7 article stated, “Nazir Khan of the Zero Burn Coalition, who is likely the author of this anonymous letter from a mass organization (of one?), this EJ Caucus, wants the incinerator to close in 2025 and opposed the resolution Fernando authored and passed. This is a…

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Bookstore workers ratify union contract

BY JESSICA HAYSSEN Workers from four Twin Cities Half Price Books locations ratified their first union contracts on May 31, 2024. Workers unionized with the United Food and Commercial Workers Locals (UFCW) 663 and 1189 to secure better wages, working conditions and a seat at the table. Because of Minnesota…

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Please Stop!

BY ED FELIEN To the person pasting a QR code over our article “Never forget Hind Rajab” in our June edition: Please stop. Write to us. Let’s talk about it. Your QR code linked to a recapitulation of the horror of October 7.  We have, in past issues, condemned that…

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Support for Omar – Letter to the Editor

Everyday workers are the backbone of our democracy. The work they put in keeps our country moving and functioning on a daily basis. When we think of who we want representing us in Congress, we think of Ilhan Omar. As educators and elected leaders of the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers…

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Willkie Forum July 23

BY ED FELIEN “The road not taken,” a lecture by Michael A. Meeropol, will be Tuesday, July 23, 7:30 p.m. at the Women’s Club (410 Oak Grove St.). Admission is free. As an historian, and someone who has lived American history as the eldest son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg,…

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Never forget Hind Rajab

BY ED FELIEN The Israeli military has “slaughtered” (Noam Chomsky’s word) more than 35,000 Palestinians—most of them, women and children. From Wikipedia: In January 2024, three months into the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, much of the Strip was largely deserted and bombed out. The health care system in Gaza was collapsing…

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