Ad Sizes and Rates


Ad Sizes
Southside Pride is printed on a tabloid size paper (actual size is 11.25 x 16 inches) . We use a 5-column format.

Advertising Rates

4” wide x 2.5” times $30 col in = $150
4” wide x 5” = $300
1/4 page 6” x 6” or 4” wide x 9” tall = $540
1/2 page $1080
Full page $2160 (FULL COLOR IS INCLUDED in full page ad)
*Back Page Placement

Rates are higher for the high profile back page. Please call for rates.

*Guaranteed Placement

An additional 20% charge will guarantee placement on a particular page, corner of a page, or section.


Southside Pride provides spot color and 4-color on selected pages. Rates vary.

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