Stephanie Fox

Stephanie FoxStephanie Fox has won two awards from the Society of Professional Journalists for her articles. She lives in South Minneapolis with her husband David, a martial arts instructor, and her two bulldogs, Quigley and Lazlow.

Summer on Grand Avenue

BY STEPHANIE FOX It has been said that you don’t need a Minneapolis passport to visit the iconic St. Paul thoroughfare called Grand Ave., and it’s true. Among the 100-year-old houses and apartment buildings on that thoroughfare are unique restaurants and shops that are worth the trip across the river.…

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Trash into treasure

BY STEPHANIE FOX Most people in Minneapolis know that those blue trash bins, the ones next to the gray garbage cans, are the place to toss recyclables. The trucks come by every two weeks, some with side-loading mechanical arms and others with two-member teams with a driver and a worker…

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Ways out of food insecurity

BY STEPHANIE FOX Last year, food insecurity in the Twin Cities increased substantially. Visits to the 472 food shelves rose from 300,000 to 500,000. The Minnesota Legislature passed a bill to provide $5 million in emergency funds, part of the Minnesota Emergency Food Assistance Program. The bill passed the House…

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Don’t forget your lutefisk for Christmas

BY STEPHANIE FOX It’s nearly Christmas and here in the North, that means holiday lights, tinsel-covered trees, and lutefisk. For many, it isn’t Christmas without a traditional bite or two of this iconic Norwegian delicacy. What many people don’t realize is that most of the country’s lutefisk originates right here…

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Small business street parking is one man’s concern

BY STEPHANIE FOX You may not know Phil Vandervaart personally, but you know his work. He has been a Twin Cities professional sign painter since 1983, creating artistic and imaginative signage for hundreds of small businesses in Minneapolis since moving here from Chicago. Some of his works include Palmer’s Bar,…

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Open Streets Lyndale is an autumn celebration

BY STEPHANIE FOX Open Streets Lyndale, the final Open Streets event for the season, will be held on Oct. 8 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lyndale Avenue will be closed to motor traffic from 42nd Street to 22nd Street, and open to pedestrians, bikes, rollerblades and skateboards. The street…

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