
Southside Pride
2721 E. 42nd Street  Suite B
Minneapolis, MN 55406
[email protected] 
Southside Pride is three free monthly newspapers publishing community news, religious events and a community calendar for the Phillips/Powderhorn, Nokomis and Riverside Communities. We are proud of the racial and cultural diversity of the Southside, and we oppose racism and other efforts to keep us apart as a community.


Ed Felien
David Goldstein
Sales Director
Elaine Klaassen
Executive Editor
Katherine Schaefer
Managing Editor
Rebecca James
Art Director/Community Calendar/Web Maintenance
Katherine Schaefer
Ad Account Executive
Bridgit Jordan
Celia Wirth
Computer Consultant
Metro Periodical Partners
Celia Wirth
Web Design

Southside Pride – Phillips Powderhorn Edition is delivered on the first Monday of the month to over 100 pick-up locations from downtown to 42nd Street and from 35W in the west to Hiawatha Avenue in the east. Southside Pride – Nokomis Edition is delivered on the second Monday of the month to over 100 pick-up locations from 42nd Street to the city limits in the south and from 35W in the west to Hiawatha Avenue in the east.. Southside Pride – Riverside Edition is a monthly newspaper delivered to over 100 pick-up locations on the third Monday of the month from Cedar-Riverside in the north to Minnehaha Falls in the south, and from Hiawatha Avenue in the west to the Mississippi River in the east.


  1. Matthew M Cooper

    I appreciate Allister Rose keeping on top of the Umbrella Man story. It seems so weird to me that there has been no information on this case since 2020.

  2. Please can you publish this meeting on your website?


    Call me with any questions
    I’d like to talk more with you Ed.

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