DFL ward conventions are coming up at the end of April and the last half of May.

Robin Wonsley
The Ward 2 convention will be on April 30. It will be a virtual convention. According to the Minneapolis DFL, “no known candidate is seeking the DFL endorsement.” Robin Wonsley is seeking re-election. She is seeking Democratic Socialist of America (DSA) endorsement.
Wards 6, 7 and 8 are holding virtual conventions in May.
The Ward 9 convention will be held virtually on April 30. Jason Chavez is seeking endorsement. He is unopposed.
Wards 10 and 11 are holding virtual conventions in May.
Ward 12 will hold an in-person convention on April 29 at Roosevelt High School. The four candidates for DFL endorsement answered the Southside Pride questionnaire last month. There was an excellent Ward 12 candidate forum hosted by present City Council Member Andrew Johnson on March 8. Thanks to Brandon Long, you can view it on Facebook:

Kayseh Magan
We asked candidates to answer two questions in 50 words or less:
1. Do you support the Urban Farms Project at the Roof Depot site?
2. Do you believe the city has the responsibility to remove sand it has dumped on streets that has flowed into storm sewers and into Lake Hiawatha and Minnehaha Creek?
Here are the answers from the candidates who responded:
Ward 2
Robin Wonsley:
1. Yes. I stand with East Phillips and the community-led vision for the site. The city’s plan will perpetrate continued environmental racism and violence against East Phillips residents. I have used every tool at my disposal to fight the city’s terrible plan for the site, and will continue to do so.
2. Yes. Sand is harmful to water quality and aquatic ecosystems and could potentially clog storm sewers. I’m committed to reducing sand usage and exploring better ways to clear streets in winter, while also working to minimize our need for environmentally damaging automobile infrastructure by supporting public transportation, robust pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and municipal sidewalk plowing.

Tiger Worku
Ward 6
Kayseh Magan:
1. I support the Urban Farms Project at the Roof Depot site.
2. I believe the city has the responsibility to remove sand that it has dumped on streets that flowed into storm sewers and into Lake Hiawatha and Minnehaha Creek.
Tiger Worku:
1. I support the East Phillips Urban farm because it is the most sustainable option of the two proposals for the people of East Phillips. The urban farm provides an opportunity for the city to live up to its values in ensuring that members of our most marginalized communities are protected from a whole range of health hazards. The people of East Phillips have spoken and now our elected officials must listen.
2. The city has an obligation to repair any past environmental harm it has caused. When vital resources such as water become poisoned, then we are exiting the realm of political disagreement and entering the realm of criminality. The city cannot turn a blind eye to the environmental destruction it has caused.
Ward 7

Katie Cashman
Katie Cashman:
1. I support the Urban Farms Project. For too long, industries have used BIPOC communities as dumping grounds for pollution. Public Works staff need a new facility, but not in a designated Green Zone, where marginalized residents will be exposed to unearthed arsenic and diesel fumes from hundreds of city vehicles.
2. Lake Hiawatha and Minnehaha Creek are considered impaired, at least in some sections, and the city should work on clean-up efforts. The city’s MS4 permit requires them to do routine street and parking lot sweeping. Minneapolis has the responsibility to actively prevent dumped sand from flowing into storm sewers.
Ward 8
Soren Stevenson:
1. Yes, I strongly support the East Phillips Urban Farm project. The city’s plan to demolish the Roof Depot and bring hundreds of diesel trucks to one of the most diverse and already over-polluted neighborhoods in

Soren Stevenson
Minneapolis is textbook environmental racism. The city should listen to community leaders in East Phillips and support the Urban Farm initiative.
2. Yes. I believe the city should be responsible for any harm it causes, including sand pollution. We must improve the natural barriers between our roads and waterways and work to filter our stormwater systems. I am committed to working with the Park Board to make sure our lakes are clean and safe for all to use.