The 62nd District DFL endorsing convention will be Sunday, April 14, at Washburn High School. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the convention will be called to order at 10 a.m.

Anquam Mahamoud
There are four excellent candidates seeking DFL endorsement: Bill Emory; Londel French; Ira Jourdain; and Anquam Mahamoud. We published responses from Emory, French and Jourdain in last month’s edition. We were unaware of Anquam Mahamoud’s candidacy. We asked her the same questions for this month’s paper.
1. Why should we support your candidacy for House seat 62B?
I grew up in Phillips, raised by a single parent. As a planning director at MNsure, I gained experience in the power of policy/budgets to change lives. Working in substance use and mental health with our most vulnerable/unhoused neighbors, I know how to marry compassion with policy to get results.
2. What legislation would you introduce on your first day as a legislator?
Advocate on day one for a MinnesotaCare Public Option and eventual single-payer system.
Fund BIPOC teacher recruitment and retention for our public schools.
Build efforts/funding tools in East Phillips with community input to address large polluters.
Seek dollars for Lake Street’s continued revitalization, prioritizing small businesses and workforce training.
3. What has been your most significant accomplishment?
As COO of Twin Cities Health Services (current position) I expanded our substance treatment center services to be need-blind to immigration status, current health coverage, or housing status. I also developed our team processes so that we incentivize immediate service delivery first, and work with clients on paperwork later.
New legislator for 62B
District 62B will elect a new legislator this November. The DFL will endorse a candidate to fill this seat on April 14 at Washburn High School. Four neighbors are running: Bill Emory, policy aide for Hennepin County Commissioner Irene Fernando; Ira Jourdain, a Minneapolis school board member; Anquam Mahamoud, a COO of a social service agency; and Londel French, a former member of the park board. I did Zoom interviews with these candidates and have edited them into a YouTube video (see link below).
The work of being a legislator involves understanding the complexity and nuanced nature of public policy. The normal campaign debates with two-minute answers have always been unsatisfying to me. I believe we need the opportunity to see the thinking process and life experiences of our candidates. To that end, I have been very light-handed in my editing of these interviews. Yes, some do go on, but there are other opportunities to see short answers. It’s my observation that decisions are not made immediately, they are made with research, analysis, and listening to constituents, experts and advisors.
I asked the candidates to talk about four topics: public safety, poverty, climate change and education. I hope this video is helpful in evaluating candidates.