Support for Omar – Letter to the Editor

Everyday workers are the backbone of our democracy. The work they put in keeps our country moving and functioning on a daily basis. When we think of who we want representing us in Congress, we think of Ilhan Omar.
As educators and elected leaders of the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT), Ilhan is the only one we trust to actually stand with us. Teachers often go without adequate funding, paying out of pocket to support students. Ilhan knows this and has fought to give educators the tools they need to succeed.
Unlike Ilhan, Don Samuels has been a staunch supporter of privatizing education, noting that his children would “not darken the door of a Minneapolis public school in this city.” When he ran for school board in 2014, Don Samuels took over $200,000 in donations from wealthy billionaires who wanted to dismantle our public education system. Samuels is bad news for teachers and public education.
Ilhan has never wavered in her commitment to us and has consistently been an ally not only to teachers but the entire labor movement. She supports increasing the minimum wage, she has joined labor unions like MFT and the Minnesota Nurses on the picket line and she voted to pass the Protect the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.
We support Ilhan Omar because she has consistently had our backs. She will always be a champion for workers, unions and labor rights.

Catina Taylor, President
MFT Educational Support Professionals

Natasha Dockter
First Vice President of MFT

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