Israel: America Reductio ad Absurdum


They didn’t do it.
No, the mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, grandparents and grandkids, aunts and uncles, cousins and even more distant relatives of those whose lives and lands are being forever destroyed by the U.S. Military Industrial Complex and its auxiliary – the Israeli Occupation Forces – did not cause Kamala to lose the election. Even those who are not relatives, except through shared humanity, but who recognized, protested and refused to vote for the soul-less massacre by U.S./Israel in Palestine are not responsible for Kamala’s loss.
Not even Jill Stein!
But could it be the Democratic faithful, who have spent decades delivering on their oft repeated promise to vote for ANY Republican, as long as (s)he has the Democratic Party endorsement? Could it be that same faithful and silent Democratic majority who give to their elected Democratic officials complete silence and fealty who are responsible for Kamala’s loss?
It has hardly been their finest hour as they cowered in silence, lest any word they said against Biden’s genocide in Israel should upset the Biden/Harris election plan!
How’d that work out?
Could they have talked up and talked back in large enough numbers, loud enough voice and mean enough spirit that we could have stopped a death or two? Could they have thus forced the Democratic Party to save itself and us from its own murderous greed?
They say no. We’ll never know. That’s what happens when you give up the fight.
No! No, no, no! After all, nothing, but nothing else, that Americans might do or say could affect the actions of their power elite. Nothing!
Too, too true! So no, the electoral loss cannot be blamed on those who did nothing, said nothing, thought and felt nothing.
In fact, we will never know if they could have saved a life or two or even saved us from four more years (at least) of Donald Trump. We just know that now, the Democratic Party has yet more bogeymen to blame for that quintessential American monster Trump to whom the Democratic Party has given two election victories. After all, it is as American as apple pie and the duopoly to blame someone else, always someone else, but preferably the victim. And it is even more American, perhaps, to add insult to the injury of that victim.
Take this quote from Israel, aka America redux: “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.” – Golda Meir. Ah, yes, someone made Zionists slaughter children so they could steal their land, their lives, their everything. Of course they did. Just hear today how Hamas, many years later, has forced Israel to institute their long planned Final Solution.
So yes, indeed, I stand corrected: the dead and dying guilty terrorist children of Palestine and Israel cost the Democrats the election.
I can’t really thank them for giving us back our very own quintessential demon Donald Trump, who also started, via the Abraham accords – and will finish – this particular phase of Israel’s long ethnic cleansing of other people’s land. But can you blame them?!
Of course you can blame them.

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