Citizens grapple with racism

BY CHRISTOPHER HARRISON ELDRIDGE “These are heavy times.” With this observation City Council Vice President Elizabeth Glidden opened her address to the gathered Minneapolitans, seated and serried in a third floor auditorium in Lake Street’s Plaza Verde complex. The high ceilings, crossed by sheer cloth, combine with the worn hardwood…

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VOTE DFL Primary Aug 9; We support Ilhan Omar!

BY ED FELIEN Southside Pride asked the DFL candidates in the upcoming election—Phyllis Kahn, Muhamud Noor and Ilhan Omar—these questions.  Only Ilhan Omar responded: If elected to the State Legislature, would you introduce and support legislation to: 1. Establish free tuition at community colleges for Minnesota residents and establish free child…

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Highland Park’s great outdoors

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE I guess we can get a little tunnel-visioned here in South Minneapolis with all the great stuff we have, but we have always been aware of the Ford Parkway/46th Street bridge and the fact that it takes you to a surprisingly close-by and interesting “little” area…

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What is Donald Trump?

BY ADAM M. SCHENCK No figure in our politics has so confounded pundits and pollsters like Donald John Trump, current Republican nominee for President of the United States. How does one interpret the ascent of a man thoroughly lacking the qualities of statesmanship toward our country’s highest office? How can…

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What’s to be done?

BY ED FELIEN Thousands of people gathered at the JJ Hill Montessori School Thursday, July 7, to honor the life and protest the death of Philando Castile.  He worked in the cafeteria at the school and was loved and missed by staff and students.  He was in a car that…

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Open Streets on East Lake Street

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE This year East Lake Street’s Open Streets celebration will be on July 24, going from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The boundaries of the East Lake Street festival are Elliot Avenue in the west and 42nd Avenue in the east. Who else closes their streets to…

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Jungle Theater investigates generations and identities

BY ADAM M. SCHENCK Millennials, Greatest Generation, Gen Xers, Baby Boomers—it’s easy to dismiss self-appointed experts who separate out groups of people based on arbitrary birth dates. Yet, within a social movement like the gay rights movement, could the gradual ebb and flow of legal rights and social acceptance change…

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The direction home from the People’s Summit

BY ED FELIEN Juan Gonzalez chaired the first discussion group on Friday night.  He co-anchors “Democracy Now” with Amy Goodman.  He talked about how when he was in SDS (I always thought it was the Young Lords, a Puerto Rican SDS equivalent), and they were demonstrating at the 1968 Democratic…

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“Congratulations—You’ve just inherited . . .”

BY TONY BOUZA Around 10 a.m., June 16 (Bloomsday), I received a call. “Grandpa, this is Tony (my 18-year-old grandson, who lives in California and is headed for Carleton).” “I’m in trouble,” he said, sobbing.  I was certain it was genuine.  “Can all weepy voiced teenagers sound alike?” I asked.…

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