Category: Nokomis
Radical youth artists of the Twin Cities: Anders Billund Phibbs
BY COLE MORGAN NICHOLS AND COOPER Anders Billund Phibbs is a 17-year-old queer artist and activist, and the founder of QYA Magazine, a Minneapolis-based online queer arts periodical. In his work, Anders illustrates and identifies much of what is wrong with the commercial and commodified image of queer people and…
Queen of Cuisine: Summertime, and the Vita is Dolce
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Arezzo 5057 France Avenue 612-285-7444 Can’t make it to Tuscany this summer? Me neither. But to savor a taste of the region’s dolce vita, head over to Edina’s 51st & France (no passport, no euros needed) to inhale its wine-and-dining way of life at Arezzo, boasting…
Vigil on the Lake Street Bridge
The early history of 53rd and Lyndale
Report from Latin America (English and Spanish version)
BY FRANKLIN CURBELO U.S and Cuba reopen embassies Fifty-four years have passed since President Eisenhower broke relations with Cuba, in 1961. From that moment on, Cuba has been in the cross-hairs of the United States as it aimed to bring about the downfall of the Cuban Revolution through U.S.-sponsored terrorism;…
The new civil wars
Franklin Avenue, Main Street for Hipsters?
BY ED FELIEN Recently BuzzFeed named Minnesota the Most Hipster State in the U.S., and City Pages named Seward as the most hipster neighborhood. Would that make Franklin Avenue Hipster Boulevard? BuzzFeed used these criteria to evaluate hipsterness: The Lumberjack Look—New Yorkers try to look like Minnesotans by wearing flannel,…
Powderhorn Birdwatch: A few days in the lives of creatures great and small
Powderhorn Art Fair
ARK: Architects for Peace Through Relationships and Knowledge: A piece of the peace puzzle
Southside Pride soapbox on the Fourth of July
What can we do about racism?
Highland Village
BY ED FELIEN Highland Village was the home of the first European settlement in the Minnesota Territory. When the U.S. government established Fort Snelling at the juncture of the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers, in 1819, a small settlement of Swiss and French-Canadian immigrants grew up around it. Eventually the settlement…