Category: Nokomis
Queen of Cuisine: That’s Amore (or at least, Italian)
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Lela 5601 W. 78th St., Bloomington 952-656-5980 Remember Chez Colette at the Hotel Sofitel? Well, both are ancient history in the hospitality industry archives. And French food is so yesterday (as I weep). The hotel at Hwys. 100 and 494 is now a Sheraton, and Collette—with…
Repression and rebellion in Mexico
BY JOHNNY HAZARD Nine months after the forced disappearance of 43 education students a three-mile-long protest march culminated in an occupation of the plaza of the principal museum and cultural center in the country, Bellas Artes. This took place the day after the opening of a major exhibition of Michaelangelo…
What will be the future of Minneapolis?
Mexican mid-term elections: continuity or change?
BY FRANKLIN CURBELO On Sunday, June 7, local and national elections took place in the midst of a deep rejection of the political establishment and discouragement with the socio-economic situation in Mexico. According to the National Electoral Institute more than 83 million Mexicans were eligible to vote. This year voter…
‘Stop Screwing the Middle Class’ by Penny Bette Jacobs
Stopping the pollution of Lake Hiawatha
There was a continuing discussion by the Standish-Ericsson Neighborhood Association about the pollution of Lake Hiawatha at its July 7 meeting. Sean Connaughty reported: “To start the meeting, Darren Lochner [Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Education Program Manager] was kind enough to share the MCWD’s knowledge of storm water management. He…
Willie Murphy has moved to Richfield
Vegetable Feature: Fennel
Vikings stadium named for US Bank
Terrorist attack on Mother Emanuel: Why capitalism needs racism
This is development: This is going to change your world
Love in pop-up urban crimescapes
Open Streets on East Lake Street
For the first time on East Lake Street, Minneapolis residents will have the opportunity to explore and enjoy their neighborhood streets without the presence of motorized traffic at Open Streets East Lake! Open Streets events bring together local businesses, families and neighbors to bike, walk, socialize, play and shop in…