Category: Nokomis
Buster’s is back where it belongs
Soul food: Gotta get up to get down – Southside Desire means it, too
BY JEANETTE YOUNG POWER In the tradition of many indehiscent bands before them, Southside Desire is releasing their second album eponymously on Oct. 22, 2014. Like a big sister mourning for her youth, the album is a step back in time both in its reminiscent lyrics and retro-styled album artwork/sound.…
Talking to a wall is not dialog: trying to talk to the American Jewish World
BY ED FELIEN On Wednesday, Aug. 27, Mordecai Specktor published an editorial in the American Jewish World that accused me of anti-Semitism. I wrote a response and told him, “I have always published Jewish Community Relations Council responses to my editorials regarding the actions of the Israeli government in the…
Learning from the Adrian Peterson experience
We report firsthand from the streets of NYC
BY AMY BLUMENSHINE We were there! Southsiders turned out in disproportionate numbers to the massive People’s Climate March in New York City, Sunday, Sept.21, demanding action on climate change. At least 225 locals journeyed on chartered buses, four from the Midtown Farmers’ Market parking area, and others got across the…
Powderhorn Birdwatch “Buffalo Alert”
The Day of the Dead comes to Midtown Global Market
Trust but verify
Seward Cafe at 40
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The Seward Café, which turns 40 years old some time this year, is a study in contradictions. Although it’s known for its longevity, laying claim to being both the oldest collectively-managed business in the Twin Cities and the oldest collectively-managed restaurant/-café in the U.S., its actual…
From ‘Historic St. Paul’: early history
Since 1840, St. Paul has taken on different identities: frontier hamlet, steamboat burg, provincial capital, railroad boomtown, city in stagnation, city in decline, city in revival. These transformations have left their marks all over town. Nowhere can one see them better than on Selby Avenue. Follow Selby Avenue from where…
The A Line: Snelling Bus Rapid Transit (BRT); A new kind of bus service is coming to Snelling Avenue & Ford Parkway!
Charley’s Garden “And let’s not forget ‘the silver apples of the moon’”
Raina’s Wellness “Ice bucket issues”
BY RAINA GOLDSTEIN BUNNAG For the last month, newsfeeds everywhere have been full of friends, family and celebrities throwing buckets of ice water over their heads. The Ice Bucket Challenge charges people with either throwing a bucket of ice water over their head or making a donation to the Amyotrophic…
Queen of Cusine “Hotel food sails to new horizons”
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Radisson Blu FireLake 35 S. Seventh St. 612-339-4900 Get over it. Foodies have long shunned hotel dining rooms when it comes to a night on the town. But that was then and this is now: No longer the stepchildren of the restaurant experience, peopled by dreary…