War and more war

BY ED FELIEN As of the first of July, 750 “advisers” are going back into Iraq to help stop ISIS from advancing on Baghdad.  The New York Times reported June 26 that more than 1,000 private security guards will go to Iraq to protect those advisers.  That’s in addition to…

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Kim Carrier highlights and moonlights

Kim Carrier of Hairesy Salon, 3749 Bloomington Ave., has a part-time hobby and a full-time devotion.  She has founded The Pet Project to supply dog food to food shelves so that hungry people won’t have to choose between feeding themselves and feeding their dogs.  It is estimated that it costs…

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Could there be a simple solution?

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN At a service organized in Milwaukee by the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee, as reported by Annysa Johnson in the Milwakee Journal Sentinal (July 17), “worshippers sang ‘Donna Nobis Pacem,’ or ‘Grant us Peace’ in Latin, Hebrew and Arabic. And Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Unitarian clergy…

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What is at stake in the primary election Aug. 12?

BY ED FELIEN “Ho-hum, a primary election.” “Who cares?” “Why should I even bother to go out and vote on Aug. 12?  Mark Dayton and Al Franken are virtually unopposed.  What’s the big deal?” Of course, if you live in the West Bank/Riverside Park area you know this election could…

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Queen of Cuisine “Détente in Uptown”

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Hammer & Sickle 1300 Lagoon Avenue 612-367-4035 (no reservations taken) www.hammerandsicklempls.com Lagoon Avenue might make a suitable site for arbitrating the dust-up in Ukraine, at least from a culinary point of view, with Coup d’Etat on one side of the street and Hammer & Sickle on the…

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U.S. Government’s Failure to Protect People of Color and American Indians From Racist Practices of Mortgage Bankers in the Minneapolis St. Paul Metropolitan Area, 2008 to 2012

A report sent to the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Geneva, Switzerland Reporting Organization: Southside Pride Southside Pride, a community newspaper in South Minneapolis, has reported on the racist practices of mortgage bankers in making loans to minorities and people living in…

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Creek Cleanup Sunday, July 27

The 2014 Minnehaha Creek Cleanup has been  rescheduled to Sunday, July 27, due to dangerously high water in Minnehaha Creek and surrounding lakes. The annual Minnehaha Creek Cleanup has outgrown its old boundaries and is expanding creekwide to collect even more trash! Volunteers will receive a free T-shirt, water bottle,…

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The greening of the great barrier wall

BY TED MOE & TIM PRICE The Greening Committee of Field Regina Northrup Neighborhood Group wants to plant flowers along the 35W Sound Barrier Wall—on 2nd Avenue from Minnehaha Creek to 42nd Street. They are looking to develop a partnership with MnDOT regarding the care and maintenance of the new…

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