Category: Nokomis
Tenants win hope of bedbug-free building
BY PETER BROWN, MINNESOTA TENANTS UNION Bedbug infestation is widespread in Minneapolis rental property. Bedbugs lead to renter instability/forced relocation as tenants flee infested buildings. Bedbugs also cause great distress and property damage to tenants who can ill-afford to throw out and replace the mattresses, box-springs, and furniture that become…
Charley’s Garden “Urban food production essential to survival”
Queen of Cuisine “The Second Coming”
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Travail 4124 W. Broadway, Robbinsdale 763-535-1131 No sign on the façade. The entrance—when you finally find it—is through an industrial refrigerator door. Rock music blares, competing with a sports bar TV. The kitchen crew (who double as servers) are dolled up with piercings, tattoos, T-shirts and bandannas.…
Neighborhood Notes
Rhonda Dean is the new principal at Washburn
Parkway renovation
A new roadway is scheduled for the Parkway this summer. Council Member Andrew Johnson: “Residents have enjoyed a smoother ride on East Minnehaha Parkway from Cedar Avenue to 27th Avenue South/Woodlawn Avenue thanks to upgrades last year. That repaving project will be continued this year from 27th Avenue South/Woodlawn Avenue…
New kid in the old neighborhood
Letter to the Editor “Policies that affect homelessness”
Section 8, a government-funded housing voucher program, continues to experience budget cuts that directly affect tens of thousands of low-income families and their accessibility to affordable housing. While Section 42 is another common form of government-funded housing, many of the eligibility requirements that come with it can be deeply problematic.…
‘Violence is as American as cherry pie’
Raina’s Wellness “What the milk?”
BY RAINA GOLDSTEIN BUNNAG Does the milk aisle make your head spin? You are not alone. Milk choices are growing exponentially and it’s hard to keep them all straight. Once praised as a nutritional wonder food, many people are now turning away from traditional cow’s milk. Lactose allergies, antibiotic concerns,…
Development at Lake and Hiawatha
We wuz robbed!
BY ED FELIEN Myron Orfield says mortage bankers ripped off homeowners in the Twin Cities to the tune of $20.5 billion through redlining and racist practices from 2008 to 2012. As the charts above show, minority areas were targeted for subprime loans—which meant higher rates and higher fees, which meant…