Category: Nokomis
FROM WHERE I STAND: U.S. leads in police killings
FROM WHERE I STAND: Spend money on food, not arms
BY POLLY MANN The Guardian Weekly is a British publication and therefore its criticism of the British government has a greater impact than that, say, of an American newspaper. Thus its criticism of that country’s arms shipments to Yemen is important. The question I ask is, why shouldn’t Great Britain sell…
‘The Awakening’ reopens the Southern for 2017
BY ADAM MICHAEL SCHENCK Perhaps unlike any other social movement, American feminism seems forced to argue continually for its relevancy. The history books put the movement into “waves,” such as first-wave feminism in which women argued for their right to vote. As legal rights expand and social roles get redefined…
‘Anna in the Tropics’ continues Jungle Theater’s strong run
BY ADAM MICHAEL SCHENCK Literary echoes seem to have passed their high-water mark generations ago. Few quote Shakespeare anymore, and as an atheist I am disappointed that those with “sincerely held religious beliefs” (as Justice Samuel Alito put it in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby) often fail to quote the Bible…
Looking at The Life
BY AMY BLUMENSHINE Southside neighbors are organizing to challenge sex trafficking. Nearly 100 concerned citizens turned out in early February for the informational event at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, “Shining a Light in the Darkness: A Faith-Based response to sex trafficking.” Experts in “The Life,” either as survivors or interveners,…
Why should I go to my precinct caucus?
Resurgent Democratic Socialists chapter tests the waters of Minneapolis politics
Anti-war protest March 18: Stop the Endless U.S. Wars in the Middle East!
BY MICHAEL LIVINGSTON Soon after President Trump took office General John Nicholson, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, told Congress that the U.S. faces a stalemate and needs several thousand more troops (New York Times, 2/10/2017, p. A3). The seemingly endless wars in the Middle East continue under Trump…
POWDERHORN BIRDWATCH: Few birds spotted again, but excitement shows up anyway
BY JOHN KARRIGAN As it has been for most of the 2016-17 winter, I am not finding many small birds in the park to write about. The backyard birds are doing well as usual. The regulars—Northern Cardinals American Goldfinches, Black-capped Chickadees, English Sparrows, Dark-eyed Juncos, Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers White-breasted…
CONFESSIONS OF AN UNREPENTANT MAOIST: Hundred Flowers, 1970 (continued) Run-ins with the authorities
Longfellow Community Council community input meeting
The Longfellow Community Council will host a community input meeting on the proposed 46th Street/Snelling Avenue development on Thursday, Feb. 23, at Hiawatha Park Rec. Center (4301 E. 42nd St.) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., with representatives from the developer, city planning and the park board present to answer questions.…
A proposal for a municipal program
Queen of Cuisine: On a roll with Ruiz
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Costa Blanca Bistro 2416 Central Avenue NE 612-789-9295 Well, it’s finally here. And worth the wait. Here’s what I wrote for this newspaper back in 2015 about wunderchef Hector Ruiz and his Latin-flavored dining empire: “They call it Rincon 38. I call it tapas heaven. It’s…