Fidel and me

BY TONY BOUZA Reader’s Digest used to have a feature called “The Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Met.”  Set me to thinking. Malcolm X ranks high, but my No. 1 choice would be Fidel Castro. I first met him in 1959 when he attended the U.N. session in the fall and,…

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FROM WHERE I STAND: Wisdom from Gorbachev

BY POLLY MANN The words of a former secretary general of the Soviet Union may have little significance once he is out of office but recent statements of Mikhail Gorbachev deserve, in my opinion, recognition, or at the very least an item in a “Good News” column. So I’m filling…

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Fraud in for-profit education?

BY BENJAMIN MERRILL Headlines about fraud within for-profit education businesses appeared frequently in 2016.  Stories of long overdue regulatory action conceal a history of regulatory inaction regarding fraud in for-profit education, which has both allowed and rewarded one of America’s biggest systems of consumer abuse. One of the largest accreditors…

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The battle inside the DFL

BY ED FELIEN Precinct caucuses are coming up Tuesday night, April 4.  On that night, the DFL starts all over again. The goddess Aphrodite (Venus, in the Roman pantheon) was extravagant in her affections, but every night she would return to her father, Poseidon, the god of the sea, and…

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Go to the movies

BY DAVE TILSEN I love movies. I also love theater, live and recorded music, television, watching sunsets, my grandchildren, OK, OK, way down deep I am shallow, but I am going to talk about this year’s movies, and what I expect and wish the Academy of Motion Pictures Sciences would…

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The battle inside the DFL

BY ED FELIEN Precinct caucuses are coming up Tuesday night, April 4.  On that night, the DFL starts all over again. The goddess Aphrodite (Venus, in the Roman pantheon) was extravagant in her affections, but every night she would return to her father, Poseiden, the god of the sea, and…

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Crockpots rule at NENA

BY STEPHANIE FOX The First Annual Great Nokomis East Crock-Pot Cook-Off is history and taking home the championship trophy was Jakob Gant, whose Creamy White Chicken Chili received 33 votes. The Feb 4th event, held in Lake Nokomis Lutheran Church’s basement, raised $400 for community projects, including the Bossen Renters…

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Go to the movies

BY DAVE TILSEN I love movies. I also love theater, live and recorded music, television, watching sunsets, my grandchildren, OK, OK, way down deep I am shallow, but I am going to talk about this year’s movies, and what I expect and wish the Academy of Motion Pictures Sciences would…

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Fidel and me

BY TONY BOUZA Reader’s Digest used to have a feature called “The Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Met.”  Set me to thinking. Malcolm X ranks high, but my No. 1 choice would be Fidel Castro. I first met him in 1959 when he attended the U.N. session in the fall and,…

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