Go to your precinct caucus April 4

BY ED FELIEN The city DFL will be holding precinct caucuses on April 4.  Anyone who cares about this city and their community should attend.  The caucuses will elect delegates who will endorse a candidate to represent their community on the City Council at a ward endorsing convention on either…

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Bayard Rustin –The Man Behind the Dream

BY JANE RAMSEYER MILLER Want to attend a fascinating concert on MLK weekend? Look no further! Two years ago I had lunch with a composer friend from Cincinnati who asked if I would be interested in commissioning a musical oratorio on the life of gay, African-American civil rights activist Bayard…

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Victory at Standing Rock

BY ED FELIEN We won a tremendous victory at Standing Rock. Probably because of tremendous popular pressure, Obama ordered the Corps of Engineers not to approve the permit to allow the pipeline to cross the Missouri River at the location they intended. The pipeline company is confident that Trump will…

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Our Revolution continues to move forward

BY CHRISTINE, OUR REV MN VOLUNTEER Our Revolution Minnesota (ORMN) will definitely be involved in the Minneapolis city elections next year.  We will be endorsing and volunteering for candidates, including mayor, park board, City Council and more.  We’re still growing rapidly with new members at every meeting, and new chapters…

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‘The Lion in Winter’ at the Guthrie

BY ADAM M. SCHENCK The Guthrie’s new artistic director, Joseph Hajj, brings a Christmastime drama to the Guthrie, “The Lion in Winter,” a political intrigue play that offers Minneapolitans hope. Could it be that our times are better than in 1183, when Henry II of England mulled over which son…

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Drones assassinate enemies

BY POLLY MANN It’s called the “Disposition Matrix” or “PPG,’’ a guide released in May 2013, describing the U.S. government’s use of drones to assassinate undesirables. It contains the names of terrorism suspects, including sealed indictments and clandestine operations; when strikes may be used against terrorist targets; where there is…

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Staff recipes for the holidays

BRIDGIT This recipe is from my   grandmother Betsy Jean Kendrick.  She was known for having huge, unruly dogs—the last two dogs she owned were a Samoyed and a Newfoundland. So while she liked her real dogs big, hairy and slobbery, she liked her dog cookies delicate and delicious. Chocolate Dogs…

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Midwinter traditions

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Two years ago at this time, we regaled you with a flood of traditions from around the world and their interrelationships. Some were from only vaguely known almost prehistoric relatives, and some were from Americans and invented in the 1960s. You know what? We barely scraped…

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Queen of Cuisine: Going to the dogs

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Prairie Dog 610 W. Lake St. 612-223-8984 www.prairiedogssausage.com ‘Tis the season to pig out at tables sinking under the weight of Granny’s turkey, pot luck eccentricities, more sugar and carbs than even a Sumo wrestler could comfortably inhale, and other dietary overloads. So, when it’s time to…

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‘Arrival’ unravels problems of communication

BY ADAM M. SCHENCK Denis Villeneuve is quickly showing himself as one of Hollywood’s masters of mood and film craft (he also directed “Sicario”). “Arrival” covers well-worn sci-fi tropes like flashbacks to a dead daughter and the aliens’ gift to a humanity too foolhardy to accept it.  Amy Adams illustrates…

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