At home on Chicago Avenue

BY ED FELIEN Probably the first illegal immigrants on Chicago Avenue (before it was a city street) were the Ojibwe.  In 1745 the Lakota lived in the area around Chicago Avenue, but the British gave guns to the Ojibwe, their allies in Canada and New England, and the Ojibwe used…

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Bad fences make good neighbors

BY JULIE KNOPP When I was growing up in Fresno, Calif., my family lived next-door to Matzi and Norman. My parents sometimes exchanged greetings with them during evening walks. When my sister was born, Matzi brought over a gift for the new baby. Our families started to form a friendship.…

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Poison in Minnehaha Park

Charley Underwood, longtime Southside Pride garden columnist, wrote on the Minneapolis Issues List:  I was out foraging this afternoon, scouting out several of my favorite places to gather juneberries (aka serviceberries or saskatoon, etc.).  One of those places is along the grassy strip between the parking lot and Minnehaha Falls. …

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The King is coming in September

BY ED FELIEN No, not that King. King’s Fair is coming to Matthew’s Park on Sept. 19. Every two years the Seward Neighborhood Group puts on a neighborhood fair at Matthews Park that is meant to commemorate the King’s Fairs produced by Colonel William S. King at that site, from…

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Saving the Grandview Theater

BY ED FELIEN Last fall the City of St. Paul approved a loan to replace seating, carpeting, drapes and concession stands at the Grandview Theater on Grand Avenue.  They had already approved $166,250 in July for new seats, plumbing and carpeting for the Grandview and the Highland theaters.  The new…

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Is the airport safe? Really?

BY ED FELIEN FAA statement on July 31: “On Friday, July 24, the Federal Aviation Administrat-ion temporarily suspended certain operations on Runway 30-Left and Runway 35 at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.” They suspended operations because the heavy congestion was causing planes to intersect each other’s flight patterns while trying to…

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Children in prison

BY POLLY MANN There has been no media attention given to the after-life of President Obama once he leaves the White House.  My hope is that he will continue to make criminal justice a big part of that life, especially the part of the criminal justice system that deals with…

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Queen of Cuisine: Summertime, and the Vita is Dolce

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Arezzo 5057 France Avenue 612-285-7444 Can’t make it to Tuscany this summer? Me neither. But to  savor a taste of the region’s  dolce vita, head over to Edina’s 51st & France (no passport, no euros needed) to inhale its wine-and-dining way of life at Arezzo, boasting…

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Vigil on the Lake Street Bridge

BY ED FELIEN It was overcast with sprinkles last Wednesday, July 15.  Only about 30 people showed up for the weekly Peace Vigil on the Lake Street Bridge. The Vigil started in 1999 when local peace groups decided to act in solidarity with the people of Yugoslavia who were standing…

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The early history of 53rd and Lyndale

BY ED FELIEN Lyndale Avenue used to be called Bloomington Road. The township of Richfield began at Lake Street, and the geographical, cultural, social and business center for the new township was near the site of the flour mill at 53rd Street.  Minnehaha Creek flowed much stronger in the early…

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The new civil wars

BY ED FELIEN There are two raging civil wars going on in the U.S. right now! One is a race war: the white race against everybody else.  And the second is Muslims fighting against the occupation of their home countries by U.S. business interests. At this point, white racist lone-wolf…

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Franklin Avenue, Main Street for Hipsters?

BY ED FELIEN Recently BuzzFeed named Minnesota the Most Hipster State in the U.S., and City Pages named Seward as the most hipster neighborhood.  Would that make Franklin Avenue Hipster Boulevard? BuzzFeed used these criteria to evaluate hipsterness: The Lumberjack Look—New Yorkers try to look like Minnesotans by wearing flannel,…

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