Roosevelt parents want equity

BY JEANETTE WIEDEMEIER BOWER, RHS BOOSTERS Roosevelt High School is experiencing incredible growth. Our student population is expanding, parents are becoming active in the once defunct Booster Club, and the community is rallying around our school again. There is increased energy among the Teddies; the future is bright. Much of…

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Hooray for Mayor Hodges!

BY ED FELIEN Bill McGuire and his sports buddies the Pohlads, who own the Twins, and Glen Taylor, who owns the Timberwolves, want to build a stadium in downtown Minneapolis just for soccer.  And here’s the good news: They want to build it using private money.  And here’s the bad…

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Sami Rasouli goes above and beyond

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Sami Rasouli, Iraqi-born, naturalized American citizen, lived in the Twin Cities for over 25 years. Although he was a respected businessman and restaurateur, as well as a husband, a father, and involved in local and international issues, it was only after he went back to Iraq…

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No more poor, no more

BY ED FELIEN Why are we poor? No money, no hopes? Despair today? And no tomorrow? Despair robs us of our dreams and forces our minds to find cunning ways to survive. No more. No more poor, no more. We need to change our attitude. We need to strut upon…

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An inconvenient law

BY SUSU JEFFREY A team of us spent three years lobbying at the State Capitol to get the Coldwater protection law through committees, approved on the floor and signed by the governor in 2001. The Law: Protection of the Natural Flow Neither the state, nor a unit of metropolitan government,…

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Queen of Cuisine: Smack in the Kisser

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Smack Shack 603 Washington Avenue N 612-259-7288 True confession: I have a weakness for an illicit pleasure, satisfied by secret visits to a porn shop on Washington Avenue. No, no—not those! I’m talking food porn. And the dietary item that sends me into delirium is ……

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Fun things to do on 34th Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE As you approach and pass Minnehaha Parkway, going south on 34th Avenue, the houses, yards and businesses become somehow more suburban looking. At the main intersection of 34th Ave. and 50th St., especially if you stand in front of the library on 51st Street and look…

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Cars and Trucks to Go Crazy Over!

The 6th Annual Classic Car Show will feature Cars and Trucks from the 1940s through the 1980s—and even some older than that. Come “stroll through the past” and admire the cars from yesteryear! Put on by the Street Kings Car Club of Mpls./St. Paul and the neighborhood’s South Chicago Avenue…

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38th Street and plans for renewal

BY ED FELIEN The opening of the Seward food co-op on 38th and 4th Avenue is probably the biggest non-governmental development to hit 38th Street in at least 50 years.  But it has brought into sharp relief the under-utilized and under-appreciated business districts along the rest of 38th Street. Council…

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Target Center all over again

BY ED FELIEN The Minneapolis City Council has agreed to pay an additional $24.5 million to renovate the Target Center so Glen Taylor can charge more for admission.   Taylor is the publisher of the Star Tribune and owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves—the worst team in the NBA.  They are so…

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Cafe Racer opens

BY ED FELIEN Café Racer, at 2929 E. 25th St., just opened this month after a long and serious review by the neighborhood, city staff and Council Member Cam Gordon. Gordon wrote:  “I want to clear up any confusion about my views or understanding in relation to this new restaurant…

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