Meeting with the chief, or not

BY ED FELIEN On Thursday, Sept.18, more than 200 people came to Sabathani Community Center on 38th Street to meet with Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau.  She didn’t show. She said she had “credible information from a long-standing community leader, in addition to a number of other sources, about planned…

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The fight for $15 spreads to MSP airport

BY GINGER JENTZEN, 15 NOW MINNESOTA ORGANIZER On Monday, Sept. 15, workers at the Minneapolis/St.Paul airport, backed by dozens of community supporters, delivered 1,000 petitions signed by their co-workers to the Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) calling for a $15/hour minimum wage. This action, led by workers organized in 15 Now,…

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BY ED FELIEN To hate someone enough to want to kill them, you must, first, dehumanize them. They must become “the other.”  They must be seen as less than human, a species that if allowed to propagate would contaminate the gene pool. In order to want to kill ISIS, the…

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A sample ballot for November 4

BY ED FELIEN United States Senator—Al Franken I wish there was someone running to the left of Al.  He’s a good man and generally progressive, but he’s voted to drop bombs on anyone Obama says is our enemy of the week. United States Representa-tive—Keith Ellison Keith was one of six…

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Andy Dawkins supported the Emergency Picket Line at the Minneapolis Federal Building Tuesday, Sept. 23 sponsored by Women Against Military Madness to protest the bombing of Syria.

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Buster’s is back where it belongs

BY JASON BITTNER Buster’s on 28th was established in 2007 on the corner of 42nd Street and 28th Avenue South in Minneapolis’ South Side. It was opened by three family men that wanted to bring the neighborhood a much needed upscaled beer bar focusing on craft brews and great food.…

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We report firsthand from the streets of NYC

BY AMY BLUMENSHINE We were there!  Southsiders turned out in disproportionate numbers to the massive People’s Climate March in New York City, Sunday, Sept.21, demanding action on climate change.  At least 225 locals journeyed on chartered buses, four from the Midtown Farmers’ Market parking area, and others got across the…

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Powderhorn Birdwatch “Buffalo Alert”

BY JOHN KARRIGAN I don’t have any good excuses for not writing a column for September.  My main excuse was that I was depressed by too many people killing people—locally, nationally and worldwide.  Maybe that is an OK excuse. I could go back and cover some things from August.  OK,…

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