Category: Riverside
Sports mascots and racist stereotyping
On May 13, 2014, at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 13th Session, The National Coalition Against Racism in Sports and Media, the American Indian Movement Interpretive Center, the American Indian Movement and its Affiliates called for a resolution or a study that addresses racist and derogatory, demeaning…
Denny Shapiro, Minneapolis School Board 2002-2005, died of a heart attack Tuesday, May 13, 2014.
‘International development’ in Bolivia
BY NATHAN BLUMENSHINE In January I left my home and job in South Minneapolis to do volunteer work in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Like many people in my neighborhood, I feel a duty to address the pressing issues of our time with both local and global knowledge. Unfortunately, environmental destruction, economic inequality…
The end of the Rainbow
‘Miracle Baby’ survives 11-story fall at Riverside Plaza
BY ED FELIEN A 15-month-old baby boy is recovering in critical but stable condition at Hennepin County Medical Center where doctors are calling him the Miracle Baby. Musa Dayib probably crawled through the stiles (the railings) on the balcony in his family’s 11th floor apartment at Riverside Plaza. Miraculously, after…
Music in the Town Square
Payday lending: loansharking the poor and vulnerable
Tenants win hope of bedbug-free building
BY PETER BROWN, MINNESOTA TENANTS UNION Bedbug infestation is widespread in Minneapolis rental property. Bedbugs lead to renter instability/forced relocation as tenants flee infested buildings. Bedbugs also cause great distress and property damage to tenants who can ill-afford to throw out and replace the mattresses, box-springs, and furniture that become…
Charley’s Garden “Urban food production essential to survival”
Queen of Cuisine “The Second Coming”
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Travail 4124 W. Broadway, Robbinsdale 763-535-1131 No sign on the façade. The entrance—when you finally find it—is through an industrial refrigerator door. Rock music blares, competing with a sports bar TV. The kitchen crew (who double as servers) are dolled up with piercings, tattoos, T-shirts and bandannas.…
Neighborhood Notes
Rhonda Dean is the new principal at Washburn
Parkway renovation
A new roadway is scheduled for the Parkway this summer. Council Member Andrew Johnson: “Residents have enjoyed a smoother ride on East Minnehaha Parkway from Cedar Avenue to 27th Avenue South/Woodlawn Avenue thanks to upgrades last year. That repaving project will be continued this year from 27th Avenue South/Woodlawn Avenue…