Category: Riverside
LCC elects new officers
On Nov. 21, the Longfellow Community Council (LCC) elected a new president and vice president to its Board of Directors. Andrew Johnson, the former LCC president, won the Ward 12 City Council election in November, leaving a vacancy in the organization. Eric Day, LCC’s current vice president, was unanimously elected…
Burn, Baby, Burn
BY LARA NORKUS-CRAMPTON A recent report from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) makes a strong case that much more municipal solid waste could be recycled and composted. Commissioner John Stine made eloquent statements about the quantity of recyclable and compostable materials that were being inappropriately shipped to landfills. Not…
Raina’s Wellness “The food waste problem”
Southside resident commits to planet preservation
BY AMY BLUMENSHINE “I’m a secret agent for Mother Earth.” So proclaims the T-shirt given me by Powerfully Green, my solar panel installer. The 36 new electricity-generating panels themselves are no secret—quite visible on my roof. (“They look sexy,” says my neighbor.) I do admit to some secret satisfaction, however,…
St. Cloud State: Why do so few Black students graduate?
BY MYRLE B. COOPER, RETIRED SCSU FACULTY MEMBER Earthbound Media Group was employed by St. Cloud State University (SCSU). The Lakota Group was hired by City Hall. Both public relations firms are desperately diverting attention from St. Cloud’s reputation as Minnesota’s bastion of racism. Despite campus and community efforts to hide…
‘A good man with a gun’
Powderhorn Birdwatch “Winter winds beneath my wings”
Charley’s Garden “A world without bees equals a world without food”
Queen of Cuisine “Grand slam dining”
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Borough 730 Washington Ave. N. 612-387-1613 Think it’s the ballpark driving the hordes to downtown’s newly-flamin’ Warehouse North? Nah—it’s Borough. Far easier to hit a home run on Target Field than in the food biz, where competition’s lethal and fans as fickle as the Minnesota weather. Yet,…
’Tis the Season
BY DOMINICK BOUZA It seems like every year someone prints a story about the Salvation Army’s disagreement with gays, lesbians, transgender folks and others who live “alternative” lifestyles. Last year, an Australian Salvationist and Major within the hierarchal structure of the Salvation Army said on a radio show that gay…
Vikings referendum denied
How did they kill Terrance Franklin?
The 228-page police report of the killing of Terrance Franklin has contradictions and inconsistencies that should have set off alarms for Police Chief Janee Harteau, Mayor Rybak, County Attorney Mike Freeman and Minneapolis City Council Chair of the Public Safety Committee Don Samuels. There are clear and arrogant admissions of…
A novel approach to increased police accountability
BY ERIC SCHILTZ, PROJECT MANAGER, COMMITTEE FOR PROFESSIONAL POLICING High profile cases of police misconduct have crowded the news over the past few years. This is not surprising; the City of Minneapolis has paid out roughly $20 million over the last seven years for police brutality and misconduct claims. These payouts…
SENA annual meeting
The Standish-Ericsson Neighborhood Association (SENA) will meet for its annual meeting on Wed., Nov. 13, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Lake Hiawatha Park building at 2701 E. 44th St. The agenda will be: 6:30–6:45: Pastries and coffee; 6:45–7: Introductions and recognitions; 7–7:30: What’s the Big Idea? Presentations; 7:30–7:45:…