Debra Keefer Ramage began writing freelance for Southside Pride in 2012, shortly after returning from a 13-year sojourn in England. She covers progressive politics, education, co-ops and neighborhoods. In 2017 she started doing Southside Pride’s restaurant review column, The Dish.
Debra Keefer Ramage
Home improvement is mood improvement (if you’re doing it right)

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Trends in 2024 – dopamine decorating Trends in home decor, renovation, and even home choices for buyers and renters, follow cycles, as all style considerations do. In the current age of instant information, changes in these trends come more frequently. Whereas before, a design trend might…
Regenerative agriculture, a Parcelle mini-review, and other food news
Earth Day 2024

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE How do you ‘celebrate?’ There are two major ways to relate to Earth Day, among those who are not climate-deniers or otherwise pooh-pooh the whole idea. One way is more for people who are broadly supportive of green solutions, climate concerns, voluntarism, and the environmental movement…
Spring on East Lake Street
Spring on 48th and Chicago

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Chicago Avenue in South Minneapolis is an interesting street filled with loads of interesting places. We’re focusing right now on the section that goes from 46th Street south to the Richfield border. This is a stretch that’s a little more than half residential, especially toward the…
Spring on Hennepin Avenue
Eat out cheap, go to new places, drink N/A beers and other food pleasures
Big education news for 2024

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE From the ridiculous (Moms for Liberty) to the sublime (Notorious D.O.T.) The school board beat is not usually this tabloid-worthy, but have you all been following the (ahem) “career” of Bridget Ziegler of Sarasota, Florida? This fine, upstanding lady is married to Christian Ziegler, who was…
The quite interesting history of summer camps

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Too many pioneers! The history of summer camps goes back further than you would think. Maybe that’s why I came across many camps for “pioneers” while researching the topic. Created by Canadian Anglicans, the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, Jewish Community Centers, Mormons, Lutherans, Southern Baptists,…
Food and restaurant news, three obituaries, and two mini-reviews
The evolving world of animal companions and animal welfare
Find your perfect summer camp
Valentine’s Day – how to celebrate this year

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Romantic dining Having a candlelit dinner at a romantic restaurant is a tried-and-true method of celebrating Valentine’s Day, and if that’s your thing, you can choose from a plethora of dining establishments in the Twin Cities. But cooking and dining in on something special is also…