Powderhorn Birdwatch: Fish and fowl relationships instruct and intrigue
Quirky 38th – Never gonna gentrify U
Letter to the mayor
Jamar Clark, Rest in Peace May 3, 1991 – November 16, 2015
Minneapolis Public Schools lays off educators with 25 years experience
For the past five years, the Minneapolis public schools have been slowly laying off educational assistants, a classification of paraprofessional, because they don’t meet new college experience requirements different from when they were hired. At this point, there are 17 EAs left in the district, all with 25 or more…
Can we fix our parks?
BY CAROL BECKER Minneapolis has 160 neighborhood parks and 49 neighborhood park buildings. This excludes any regional parks like the Chain of Lakes or the Riverfront. A study done last year by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board showed that we need $14 million a year to maintain these neighborhood…
The Vigil on the Lake Street Bridge
Comings and goings on Lake Street
Ms Piff turns 35 in 2016; Celebrating the power of film
Queen of Cuisine: Stage setting
The more things change . . .
BY TONY BOUZA America’s hands wring in agony over police-black tensions now characterized by the Black Lives Matter movement. What a mystery! Cops treat blacks badly. Mirabile dictu!! Look at any analysis of American social, economic or judicial life and who will you find—literally or figuratively—on the ghetto corners of…
March Against the Vietnam War, April 1965
Stop terrorist attacks by stopping terrorist attacks
BY ED FELIEN The recent attacks by radical Islamic terrorists in Brussels were horrifying. Thirty-five innocent civilians were murdered. The response by Ted Cruz on Easter Sunday, after coming from church and hearing the story of gentle Jesus’ Resurrection, was to carpet bomb ISIS. Sorry, Ted, but we’re going to…
Queen of Cuisine: Savory Bake House
The corrections we printed in the Nokomis edition of April have been incorporated into this article. BY CARLA WALDEMAR Savory Bake House 3008 36th Ave. S. 612-729-1310 So … did East Lake Street need a bakery? “We opened on Dec. 18 and I just had my first day off,”…