
Our lakes, our homes

BY ED FELIEN As we enjoy the last moments of fall, it’s hard to think ahead to the snowmelt and rains that could flood our basements again next spring. In September I had the pleasure to meet with Lars Erdahl, the executive administrator for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and…

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When ‘frosty wind makes moan’

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE In the deep midwinter, we like to keep our eyes on the light. Light entertainment, that is. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that so many cultures have—as well as a solemn observance about the birth of a prophet or a god or the struggle against…

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Which side are we on?

BY DAVE TILSEN Hennepin County police are busting heads in North Dakota?  How did that happen?  Most of us have heard about the oil boom in North Dakota.  It has generated jobs, but also problems: “Boom Towns,” earthquakes, money for some people, exploitation for others. For the Indian People, who…

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It’s not too late to register to vote!

BY THOMAS WOODWARD Getting the vote out this year could make or break us as a nation. Did you know there are people in our neighborhood who aren’t even registered yet? How about those who don’t even know where to get started?  If this describes you, don’t feel bad. Just…

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Vote November 8

BY ED FELIEN President:  Vote for Hillary.  OK, she’s not Bernie.  I’m not Bernie.  You’re not Bernie.  Bernie says vote for Hillary.  It’s the best chance we’ve got to make some changes that can protect people at the bottom from greedy clowns. Congress: Vote for Keith.  He stood with Bernie. …

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Halloween Witch Hunt

BY ED FELIEN The FBI continues to stoke the fires. They are determined to burn this witch. They blew smoke in everyone’s eyes years ago. They convinced nearly half the population that Hillary is guilty of something.  They couldn’t say what, exactly. “Emails, maybe.“ “Careless, she used her Blackberry in…

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Just in case

BY ED FELIEN Consider these contingency plans in case Trump wins the presidency. Noam Chomsky did a cursory overview of the Trump voter.  He (it’s mostly he) is white, rural or suburban, alienated, thinks minorities and women have been favored, not much education beyond high school. Noam said, “Why aren’t…

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Larry Olds, Presente

BY THOMAS O’CONNELL Larry Olds died peacefully at home on Oct. 13, and Minneapolis lost a great educator for social justice. A Powderhorn resident since 1974, Larry was one of this country’s strongest proponents of popular education, an approach made famous by the radical Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, author of…

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