FROM WHERE I STAND: Solitary confinement is unconstitutional
BY POLLY MANN How can a class action lawsuit in California affect prisoners in Minnesota, while the suit affects California prisoners only? It could produce a change in the policies of Minnesota’s jails and prisons. It’s called Asker vs. Governor of California on behalf of prisoners held in the Security…
Our lakes, our homes
‘105 Proof’ at Illusion Theater: Gangs of rural Illinois
BY ADAM M. SCHENCK Originally performed as a Fringe Festival piece, “105 Proof, Or, The Killing of Mack ‘The Silencer’ Klein” is playwright and director Diogo Lopes’ song of family and business—the ur-themes of the gangster genre. Ever since “The Godfather” in 1972, the inherent conflict between family ties and…
When ‘frosty wind makes moan’
Health: Four overlooked contributors to thyroid dysfunction
BY LORI JOKINEN, DC, CACCP How many times have you heard this story from women reporting the same types of symptoms: an inability to lose weight despite consuming a low calorie diet, decrease in energy/fatigue, thinning hair, and even depression? Most women feel they have a thyroid disorder but have…
Which side are we on?
Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA) at its annual meeting on Oct. 13
The gym at Powderhorn Park was full of music from DJs spinning records, children laughing, representatives from half-a-dozen local organizations explaining their programs while over 120 Powderhorn residents sought to re-imagine the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA) at its annual meeting on Oct. 13. Incumbents Marisa Rivera and Malia Burkhart…
It’s not too late to register to vote!
Vote November 8
Halloween Witch Hunt
BY ED FELIEN The FBI continues to stoke the fires. They are determined to burn this witch. They blew smoke in everyone’s eyes years ago. They convinced nearly half the population that Hillary is guilty of something. They couldn’t say what, exactly. “Emails, maybe.“ “Careless, she used her Blackberry in…
Powderhorn Birdwatch: Birds come and go as humans travel to track them
Just in case
BY ED FELIEN Consider these contingency plans in case Trump wins the presidency. Noam Chomsky did a cursory overview of the Trump voter. He (it’s mostly he) is white, rural or suburban, alienated, thinks minorities and women have been favored, not much education beyond high school. Noam said, “Why aren’t…
Larry Olds, Presente
BY THOMAS O’CONNELL Larry Olds died peacefully at home on Oct. 13, and Minneapolis lost a great educator for social justice. A Powderhorn resident since 1974, Larry was one of this country’s strongest proponents of popular education, an approach made famous by the radical Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, author of…