New Left Convention in Chicago, 1967
Everything we believe is real—in a certain way
BY ELAINE KLAASSEN “The Geography of Madness: Penis Thieves, Voodoo Death and the Search for the Meaning of the World’s Strangest Syndromes” is a book that challenges not a few assumptions. And Frank Bures is a writer for whom nothing is weird. To research the book, seasoned traveler Bures criss-crosses…
Should we stay or should we go?
‘Scapegoat’ at Pillsbury House Theatre shocks, inspires, humors our foibles on race
DFL State Convention report
Theatre in the Round’s ‘Sense and Sensibility’
BY ADAM M. SCHENCK A preference is, by definition, a greater liking for one option over another. For some odd reason, however, I cannot fathom how someone would not like the genre of the English romance, which focuses on romantic relationships and concludes with an optimistic ending, typically a marriage.…
Thoughts on race by a biracial girl
The new Nazi Order
Queen of Cuisine: Hello, Hi-Lo
At long last, a superintendent is chosen
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE On May 24, the Minneapolis Public Schools school board announced its final choice for the permanent position of superintendent—Ed Graff, formerly superintendent of schools in Anchorage, Alaska. Meanwhile, Michael Goar, who had served as interim superintendent since the departure of Bernadeia Johnson in early 2015, left…
Hiawatha Golf Course Improvements Project public meeting
During the last several months, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Minneapolis, in collaboration with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, have studied the effects of pumping ground water and storm water from the Hiawatha Golf Course into Lake Hiawatha. While no conclusion on future pumping has…