
Queen of Cuisine: Skinny Dipping

BY CARLA WALDEMAR The Melting Pot 80 S. 9th Street 612-338-9900 I recall a memorable fondue party I hosted as a young bride. The hot oil spilled upon the fuel and the tablecloth went up in flames. Nonetheless, I still love fondue. But these days, I leave it to…

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A small but important election

BY ED FELIEN Barcelona.  In January, the president of Catalonia, Artur Mas, called for new parliamentary elections to be held in Catalonia on Sept.27.  Mas has called for Catalan independence since 2012, and he has declared that this new parliamentary election will be a plebiscite on Catalan independence. If his…

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MAC expansion plans frustrate residents

BY DEAN AMUNDSON, MSP FAIRSKIES ORGANIZER About 100 Minneapolis and Edina residents showed up at the Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) general offices on Thursday evening, Aug. 27.  The MAC was unveiling its huge expansion plan that will accommodate an estimated 54 million passengers by 2035 (their numbers).  That number will…

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Future of golf at Hiawatha looks dim

BY ED FELIEN There will be an important community meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 15, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Nokomis Community Center, 2401 E. Minnehaha Pkwy., to discuss future options for the Hiawatha Golf Course.  For golfers, it doesn’t look good. The park board has done nothing to…

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Keeping it local at 48th and Chicago

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Mike Kmiecik (pronounced ki-mick) is the proprietor of Bikes and Pieces, currently operating in the storefront right by the corner of 48th and Chicago. He is also the visible and active leader of SCABA, the South Chicago Avenue Business Alliance. SCABA was launched over 30 years…

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Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Over here, we have the Bernie Sanders phenomenon. Sanders, a “self-avowed” democratic socialist, has somehow managed to make a pact with the Democratic party, which has allowed him to operate in an inside-outside strategy and gain seniority and clout in the U.S. Senate. This was a …

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Seward Co-op held a very successful job fair

Seward Co-op held a very successful job fair on Saturday, Aug. 15, at the Sabathani Center. This was a culmination of months of bridge-building and outreach in the surrounding neighborhoods of the second grocery store, the Friendship store, currently under construction on 38th Street, across from Sabathani. It is also…

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Is the airport safe? Really?

BY ED FELIEN FAA statement on July 31: “On Friday, July 24, the Federal Aviation Administrat-ion temporarily suspended certain operations on Runway 30-Left and Runway 35 at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.” They suspended operations because the heavy congestion was causing planes to intersect each other’s flight patterns while trying to…

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At home on Chicago Avenue

BY ED FELIEN Probably the first illegal immigrants on Chicago Avenue (before it was a city street) were the Ojibwe.  In 1745 the Lakota lived in the area around Chicago Avenue, but the British gave guns to the Ojibwe, their allies in Canada and New England, and the Ojibwe used…

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Bad fences make good neighbors

BY JULIE KNOPP When I was growing up in Fresno, Calif., my family lived next-door to Matzi and Norman. My parents sometimes exchanged greetings with them during evening walks. When my sister was born, Matzi brought over a gift for the new baby. Our families started to form a friendship.…

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