
FROM WHERE I STAND: How the wealthy burden the poor

BY POLLY MANN The headline of the three-page Dec. 30 New York Times article (large pertinent snaphots included) was “By Molding Tax System, Wealthiest Save Billions.” Yes, indeed, they molded. They’ve been using their influence to “steadily whittle away at the government’s ability to tax them.” The details, no doubt,…

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Neighboring city is a rich field for artists

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The Richfield Historical Society has a motto on its website home page—Proudly Suburban since 1854. The 1854 part refers to the fact that Richfield claims to be Minnesota’s oldest suburb. The “Proudly” part indirectly references the fact that suburban had become something to be slightly ashamed…

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Water rising

BY ED FELIEN Over the years the water table in the neighborhoods around Lake Hiawatha and Lake Nokomis has risen because of silt brought downstream in Minnehaha Creek.  The depth of Lake Hiawatha when it was dredged by Theodore Wirth in 1929 was 33 feet.  Today, because of the accumulation…

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Cedar Avenue’s West Bank performance spaces

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The northernmost part of Cedar Avenue vanishes into a small theater district. Three unique performance spaces in Minneapolis are there, two in Seven Corners, where Cedar Avenue actually terminates, and one a few blocks away. Just off Cedar in the other direction there is the U…

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Who is ISIS?

BY ED FELIEN The ancient Egyptian goddess Isis is the mother of the Greek and Christian religions.   She begins the myths of the journey into the wilderness, the death and the resurrection. The ISIS of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq is really a secessionist movement of Sunni Arabs…

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Trying to make sense of the park board

BY ED FELIEN The big meeting organized by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to discuss pumping at the Hiawatha Golf Course took place Tuesday, June 14, at Pearl Park.  There was a big storm predicted for the evening, with a tornado watch for the 6:30 to 8:30 time of…

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Sanford’s spirit soars

BY KRISTOPHER BISHOP Sanford Middle School students look out their classroom windows and see mountains of dirt piled outside. They have seen and heard the construction for a year and a half. Despite a rocky road along the way, the school has had a renaissance in the last few years…

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Stupendous adventures on Franklin Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The stretch of Franklin Avenue that goes through the Seward neighborhood has always seemed to me the perfect urban avenue in many ways. It’s got houses and apartments old and new, long-time residents and constant influxes of new communities, fairly low crime, a bus route or…

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New Left Convention in Chicago, 1967

BY ED FELIEN Before driving out to Smith College in Northampton, Mass., I stopped at Chicago for the New Left Convention.  I went to Old Town, met some lovely people and we decided to bring a little bit of the Summer of Love to Chicago.  We talked a liberal church…

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Everything we believe is real—in a certain way

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN “The Geography of Madness: Penis Thieves, Voodoo Death and the Search for the Meaning of the World’s Strangest Syndromes” is a book that challenges not a few assumptions. And Frank Bures is a writer for whom nothing is weird. To research the book, seasoned traveler Bures criss-crosses…

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Should we stay or should we go?

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Here is a message from the board and staff of In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre: “Our beloved Avalon has been home to HOBT for 28 years. During that time, this building has functioned as a performance space, a puppet building workshop,…

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DFL State Convention report

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party held its 2016 state convention on June 4 at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis. I did not attend as a member of the press, but as an alternate, then upgraded to delegate, to Bernie Sanders. As a delegate I could be on…

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Theatre in the Round’s ‘Sense and Sensibility’

BY ADAM  M. SCHENCK A preference is, by definition, a greater liking for one option over another. For some odd reason, however, I cannot fathom how someone would not like the genre of the English romance, which focuses on romantic relationships and concludes with an optimistic ending, typically a marriage.…

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