Raina’s Wellness “Eating well at The Fair”
Queen of Cuisine “We cook what we love, and love what we cook”
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Blackbird 3800 Nicollet Ave. S. 612-823-479 www.blackbirdmpls.com Yes, once in a while, truth in advertising does prevail. Perhaps the Gold Standard is Blackbird cafe’s promise: “Our goal is to make Minneapolis yummier by offering a high quality meal at a good value.” And what they neglected to…
Minnehaha Parkway Detour
The E Minnehaha Parkway Resurfacing Project, from 27th Ave. to 38th Ave., will begin Aug. 12. The westbound portion will begin after the eastbound is substantially complete. The intersections at 38th Ave. S. and 39th Ave. S. will remain open to traffic. It will last approximately seven weeks. Detours and…
Treehouse a staple of the Twin Cities
Fancy Ray and the Hosmer Library Talent Show
War and more war
Powderhorn Birdwatch “The mysterious ways of birds and men”
Kim Carrier highlights and moonlights
Bringing the community back to movie renting
Could there be a simple solution?
BY ELAINE KLAASSEN At a service organized in Milwaukee by the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee, as reported by Annysa Johnson in the Milwakee Journal Sentinal (July 17), “worshippers sang ‘Donna Nobis Pacem,’ or ‘Grant us Peace’ in Latin, Hebrew and Arabic. And Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Unitarian clergy…
Letter to the Editor “Hennepin County judicial seats 43 and 61 need to be filled”
What is at stake in the primary election Aug. 12?
The Honduran children, political refugees from gangster fascism created by Obama and Clinton
BY ED FELIEN Why are the children fleeing Honduras? Why are mothers sending their children across a foreign border? They are fleeing gangster fascism where the poor are terrorized daily by gangs supported by the military dictatorship installed in June of 2009 by Obama and Clinton. Eva Golinger gives…
For the Birds “Suggestions for attracting feathered fauna”
BY TAMAR MYERS It’s typical for someone to come into Wild Birds Unlimited brandishing photos of neighborhood birds. “They’ll bring in their iPhone and go, ‘Look at what I had in my yard,’ ” employee Nora Beckjord said, laughing, “almost like baby pictures.” The bird aficionados working at the Highland…