
Israel: America Reductio ad Absurdum

BY VICTORIA SHROYER They didn’t do it. No, the mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, grandparents and grandkids, aunts and uncles, cousins and even more distant relatives of those whose lives and lands are being forever destroyed by the U.S. Military Industrial Complex and its auxiliary – the Israeli Occupation…

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Gracefully – in Sickness and in Health

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Models of care – a constantly changing landscape. The last few editions of Gracefully have focused on people who remain independent when past the age of 65 or beyond, and ways to ensure you’re among them. We have a few more of those resources to share,…

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Holidays 2024 – an Eclectic Guide

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The holiday smorgasbord Here we are again in beautiful November, with winter holidays just around the corner. And here is Southside Pride again to tell you what’s on, among both the traditional and the innovative, and even the downright weird. As per the last few years,…

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How the Minneapolis Voting Process Really Works

BY STEPHANIE FOX The 2024 election season is over except for the shouting (lots and lots of shouting). But, although Minnesota and the City of Minneapolis has one of the highest voter turnouts in the country with highly engaged voters, many people don’t know what goes on behind the scenes.…

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Commitment to Change!

BY ED FELIEN A super-majority of the Minneapolis City Council issued a Housing First statement of principles and objectives. Finland has a policy of Housing First as a solution to homelessness: first, get them a safe place to stay, then get them a job, and then make them pay rent. Here…

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UMN SDS Statement of Halimy Hall Occupation

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Since last fall, SDS and the UMN Divest Coalition have been demanding the UMN administration divest from Israel. After months of protests, die-ins, a campus-wide resolution that won by 75 percent,…

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CUHCC Seeking Input on New Building

BY LARA PRATT Community-University Health Care Center (CUHCC) invites community members to provide input on its plans to construct a new building on its current site at 2001 Bloomington Ave. The new building – scheduled to open in 2027 – will allow CUHCC to serve more patients, add more services…

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About Power

BY LEE SAMELSON A main driver of climate chaos is how energy utilities have incentives that are “upside down and backwards”, being financially rewarded by an outdated system when they effectively emit more pollution. If you are looking for an articulate exposé of the obsolete monopoly power structures that have…

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New City Gov. Structure, Pass or Fail?

BY CAM GORDON Is it possible that the city’s new Executive Mayor – Legislative Council charter change is making it harder for our city government to function well? That certainly appeared to be the case in October, when Mayor Jacob Frey, the council majority, city attorney and other department leaders…

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Entrance Exam for the New Prez

BY DAVE GUTKNECHT • What will you do to restrict U.S. military and financial support for Israel? Graduate level question: What would be the effect of acknowledging that Israel possesses nuclear weapons? • Say something meaningful about the influence of the Israel lobby in the U.S. Graduate level: Evaluate dual…

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Ilhan Omar on Netanyahu

BY CLINT COMBS President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken thought they secured a deal with the help of French President Emmanuel Macron. In private, Israel officials had agreed to the same deal: a 21-day ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon. This gave diplomats three weeks to hash out…

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A vote for Ilhan

BY MARCIA HOWARD In a country where we seem to prioritize the greed of corporations and billionaires instead of our children and our schools, we need Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in office fighting with and for the people. Every day, as a public-school teacher and MFT59 Teacher Chapter President, I work…

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