Go to your precinct caucus April 4
Saying good-bye to Adrian’s Tavern
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Adrian’s Tavern, beloved institution of Chicago Avenue in South Minneapolis, closes forever on Jan.10. Adrian’s was tucked into a small slot between the Parkway Theatre and, most recently, Town Hall Tap. There has been a business in that space since the 1930s, and a place called…
Re-thinking Our Revolution: a proposal for a rural strategy
BY ED FELIEN What happened? Clinton lost Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. She almost lost Minnesota. Why? When people were interviewed they said she and the Democratic Party were not speaking to them. Trump talked to the people who were hurting from lack of jobs and from small town economic…
We support Patricia Torres Ray
Report on Syria from Judy Bello and the U.S. Peace Council
Putin’s Puppet
Go to your precinct caucus April 4
Bayard Rustin –The Man Behind the Dream
POWDERHORN BIRDWATCH: Powderhorn birds reach Florida
Victory at Standing Rock
BY ED FELIEN We won a tremendous victory at Standing Rock. Probably because of tremendous popular pressure, Obama ordered the Corps of Engineers not to approve the permit to allow the pipeline to cross the Missouri River at the location they intended. The pipeline company is confident that Trump will…
Our Revolution continues to move forward
BY CHRISTINE, OUR REV MN VOLUNTEER Our Revolution Minnesota (ORMN) will definitely be involved in the Minneapolis city elections next year. We will be endorsing and volunteering for candidates, including mayor, park board, City Council and more. We’re still growing rapidly with new members at every meeting, and new chapters…
History and traditions of New Year’s Eve and Day
BY ED FELIEN When I got back to Minneapolis I heard about some people around the University who were thinking about starting a newspaper. I met with some of them. They were much younger than me. One of them, though, had actual experience working on a newspaper in college. This was invaluable because I…