Rest in Peace, Chester

A REMEMBRANCE FROM CAM GORDON I was saddened to learn that Chester, a West Bank icon, has died.  Chester was a gentle man, and was well-known and well-loved by the West Bank community, especially some of his nearest neighbors in the Riverview Tower apartment building. One of the most interesting…

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BY COOPER My name is Yonci Jameson. I’m 17 years old, born and raised in North Minneapolis and I’m a senior at Southwest, taking college classes at MCTC. I am a poet/spoken word artist and a musician, as well as a cultural artist, with my African drumming and dance. SSP:…

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Queen of Cuisine: Top locales for locovores

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Think globally, eat locally. Healthwise, it’s a boon, because when food is harvested close to home, preservatives aren’t needed. As a socio-political statement, the practice lends support to smaller, local producers rather than vast agri-conglomerates. Eco-conscious diners have adopted this mantra to cut back on use of…

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MPS superintendent search progress and other news

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE In the wider world of public education, education reform and associated politics, things are heating up. In the state of Washington, the state Supreme Court struck down Seattle’s charter school amendment as unconstitutional. In LA, there is concern over a semi-invisible player in the high-stakes school…

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Roosevelt Library, and its Friends

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE As one of the smallest libraries in the Hennepin County system, Roosevelt has to make a little noise to get what it needs. It is one of only two or three libraries in the system to have a very restricted schedule of 24 hours a week—eight…

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Vanished problems and their consequences

BY TONY BOUZA Ours is an activist, not a reflective, society.  Our shelves groan under the weight of “How to …  ,”  not “What if … ,” books.  Yet I’ve always been intrigued by Conan Doyle’s “The Dog That Didn’t Bark.”  Why not?  What did it mean? It meant something—and that’s…

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The growing of Lake Hiawatha

BY ED FELIEN Ron Sundboom went to a meeting last year to hear about the future of Hiawatha Golf Course. One of the experts at the meeting said that the depth of Lake Hiawatha was 33 feet. Ron asked where he got that information. The staff person said from Wikipedia.…

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MAC plan to raise the noise is put on hold

BY ED FELIEN After a boisterous public hearing on Aug. 27, the Metropolitan Airports Commission decided to defer approval of its expansion plan.  As Dean Amundson reported in earlier editions of Southside Pride, the MAC plan “will accommodate an estimated 54 million passengers by 2035 (their numbers).  That number will…

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HERC is No. 1! in arsenic emissions

BY LARA NORKUS-CRAMPTON According to the Energy Justice Network’s (EJN) analysis of the most recent 2011 National Emissions Inventory (NEI) data self-reported to the EPA by the garbage incinerator industry, HERC is: #1 in arsenic emissions (31% of the emissions from 65 incinerators reporting) #2 in chromium VI emissions (19%…

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