Does PPNA have a Strategic Plan?

BY ED FELIEN Last month the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association published its Strategic Plan.  Working with Aurora Consulting they came up with a four part plan describing values and focuses for the next few years. They want to Facilitate Community Engagement; Foster Community Development; Embrace Leadership; and Stimulate Economic Development.…

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Election Results

BY ED FELIEN Liberals and progressives were disappointed Tuesday, Nov. 4, with the loss of the U.S. Senate and the loss of the Minnesota State House to Republic-ans.  Dayton and Franken won easily, but the national losses cast a long shadow.  It looks like Republican gridlock and handouts to fat…

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Poems for the holidays

Dust of Snow By Robert Frost The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued. * * * * * * * * * *…

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What about ISIS and the Kurds?

BY ED FELIEN U.S. military involvement since World War II has been an unbroken chain of failed  adventures meant to prop up dictators, overthrow democracies and fight for the interests of Big Business and Big Oil: The Belgian Congo, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. But, now, for the…

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The future is now

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN “It’s amazing what you can learn at any age—you just need the right tools,” says Renée Svard, communications director at Our Lady of Peace church and school. She’s referring to a curriculum in place at the school that starts with the 3-year-olds. It’s called STEM and it…

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Queen of Cusine “Gallic licks on Lake Street”

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Le Town Talk 2707 E. Lake Street 612-353-5398 Remember that classic Lake Street diner with the multi-lightbulb marquee, Town Talk? Well, it’s still chattering, all right, but today the talk is French. Parlez-vous comfort food, Parisian style? And at very comfortable prices? Then welcome to the…

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NENA no more?

BY ED FELIEN “My goal is to cut government in half in 25 years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” –Grover Norquist Is that what happened to the Nokomis East Neighborhood Association?  Did some right-wing ideologues drown NENA in the bathtub?…

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From where I stand

BY POLLY MANN Can King Coal come clean? This probably won’t receive too much attention, but it should:  Canada has recently produced the world’s first commercial coal-fired power plant equipped with carbon capture and storage technology. The Boundary Dam plant in Saskatchewan promises to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 90%. …

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A pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow?

BY ED FELIEN The Rainbow store at Lake and 27th Avenue is closing. It was part of the sale of Rainbow stores by Roundy to Super Valu. It was purchased by Jerry’s Enterprise that also operates the Cub store across the street. It seems very likely Jerry will want to…

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