From ‘Historic St. Paul’: early history

Since 1840, St. Paul has taken on different identities: frontier hamlet, steamboat burg, provincial capital, railroad boomtown, city in stagnation, city in decline, city in revival. These transformations have left their marks all over town. Nowhere can one see them better than on Selby Avenue. Follow Selby Avenue from where…

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Raina’s Wellness “Ice bucket issues”

BY RAINA GOLDSTEIN BUNNAG For the last month, newsfeeds everywhere have been full of friends, family and celebrities throwing buckets of ice water over their heads. The Ice Bucket Challenge charges people with either throwing a bucket of ice water over their head or making a donation to the Amyotrophic…

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Lloyd Smith, Southside Pride says good-bye

BY ED FELIEN Lloyd Smith delivered Southside Pride from its beginning 23 years ago.  He died Friday, Aug. 29, 2014.  He was a wonderful character—a thoroughly delightful reactionary.  We would argue politics almost every week, but he was always charming and funny (in a Rush Limbaugh kind of way).  One…

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Marty Roth responds to Rabbi Spilker:

If a Jew can take part in this dispute, I’d like to register a little outrage at the rabbi’s manicheaism which casts the Israeli government as a group of gentle souls praying for 47 years for peace in the face of desperate terrorism, loving the Palestinian children more than the…

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Hiawatha Avenue Landscape Restoration

FROM THE OFFICE OF COUNCIL MEMBER ANDREW JOHNSON The installation of the 350 trees along Hiawatha Avenue has been completed. Hennepin County contracted with Hoffman and McNamara to install 350 trees along Hiawatha Avenue from 32nd to 46th Streets. The project began on June 3 with the removal of 165…

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Celebrate the end of summer at Autumn Daze

BY ED FELIEN It used to be church dinners were a big community event.  Then they fell out of fashion, but the Basilica Block Party seems to have revived the tradition in the Catholic Church.  St. Helena’s Autumn Daze is an annual event that seems to excite most of South…

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Teach In on Gaza

BY ED FELIEN Southside Pride, Women Against Military Madness, the Anti-War Committee, Walker Church and the Minnesota Green Party sponsored a Teach In on Gaza at Walker Church Saturday, Aug. 23. Mnar Muhawesh, the editor in chief of Mint Press, an online daily newsmagazine, spoke on the five myths regarding…

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Letter to the Editor

This letter is in regards to David, Angela and Trey Brown’s current circumstances that I heard about on the news last night. Specifically, parents of a boy who has been suffering with severe brain trauma and took it upon themselves to use unprescribed marijuana oil to ease their boy’s pain.…

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The three state solution

BY ED FELIEN “Israel has a right to defend herself,” Pres. Barack Obama. As long as Hamas and others use violence to achieve their legitimate aims of independence and statehood, they continue to play into Israel’s hands.  The collective guilt of the holocaust will always force Americans and Europeans to…

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The Replacements and memory

BY ED FELIEN This Friday, Sept. 12, at the Parkway Cinema there will be a showing of “Color Me Obsessed,” a documentary about The Replacements—Minneapolis’ official bar band from the ’80s.  Everybody loved The Replacements.  They were drunk all the time, out of their minds on drugs and ready to…

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