Vikings lawsuits summary

BY DAVID TILSEN For those who are confused, here is a quick summary of the various lawsuits to stop the stadium. In the Cohen, Woodruff, Ostrow lawsuit, they contended (correctly) that the stadium legislation requires the Vikings to pay for the parking ramp, and the city should not be selling…

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Queen of Cuisine “Lurking on Loring”

Y CARLA WALDEMAR Lurcat 1624 Harmon Place 612-486-5500 “Choose a place,” my companion from out of town directed: “downtown, or close by; good food and wine lists; unobtrusive service; and quiet enough for conversation.” Oh, and bonus points for a lovely, relaxed setting and a photo-op view. The pressure…

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Precinct caucuses Tuesday, Feb. 4

BY ED FELIEN Precinct caucuses are this Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m. To find out where your precinct is convening for your political party, call: DFL: 651-293-1200 or go to; Republican: 651-222-0022 or; Green Party: 651-288-2820 or The Farmer Labor Association is urging its members and…

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Manifesto of the Farmer Labor Association, Part One

BY ED FELIEN “Capitalism has failed and should be abolished!” “We mean to establish a Cooperative Commonwealth!” That’s the Preamble to the 1934 Farmer Labor Party Platform, and the party that believed in those principles went on to elect Floyd B. Olson governor and win a majority in the Minnesota…

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BY TONY BOUZA As I travel about the state, people, invariably kind, seem incredulous 1) that I’m still alive, and 2) that I make Minnesota my home. Maybe I should get out more. Then comes, “What are you doing now?” The truth is, as little as possible. “Are you writing?”…

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New Year’s Day tragedy on the West Bank

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE It started with an explosion, at approximately 8:15 a.m. on New Year’s Day. By the time the firefighters arrived, the building was in flames. There were injured victims lying around outside the building, having jumped from second- and third-floor windows. The crew fought the blaze inside for…

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Hiawatha Death Star kills again

BY ED FELIEN Sunday night, Jan. 12, at about 6 p.m., the Hiawatha Deathstar struck again. A pedestrian who lives in the area was killed walking across the light rail tracks at 42nd and Hiawatha. He became the 10th victim since June 2004. Metro Transit spokes-man John Siqveland said the…

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The Stadium Financing is unfair

BY DAVID TILSEN People have asked me a lot over the summer why I am trying to stop the new Vikings stadium. I have a few stock answers. One is that I have no objection to a new stadium, I just don’t think I should be forced to pay for…

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Everybody loved Shivers, RIP

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN One winter day in 2003, or maybe 2004, no one quite remembers, the mail carrier brought a very cold kitten into the office here at Southside Pride. It was way below freezing outside and there was no doubt that had she stayed out she would have frozen…

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Majority of City Council side with equity

BY NICK ESPINOSA AND ANTHONY NEWBY One hundred fifty community members braved a record cold snap to demand that the new City Council prioritize closing Minneapolis’ worst-in-the-nation racial equity gaps as they begin their new term. After the conclusion of the inauguration ceremony for the new council, hundreds kicked off…

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Nuclear Iran

BY RICHARD TAYLOR “Omission,” George Orwell once noted, “is the greatest form of lie,” an observation relevant to the U.S. conflict with Iran over its alleged nuclear weapons program. The omissions provide ironic support to Obama’s statement,” I wouldn’t say [chances of success of the interim agreement] are more than…

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Powderhorn fireworks for 2014 canceled?

BY ED FELIEN There will be a special meeting hosted by the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA) and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 6 p.m. at the park building at 3400 15th Ave. S. to discuss fireworks at Powderhorn for the Fourth of…

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