Demonstrator hit by car

BY ED FELIEN On Monday evening, Nov. 24, the week of Thanksgiving, the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney released the findings of the grand jury in the case of Officer Darren Wilson’s shooting and killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. As expected, the grand jury chose not to indict…

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Unfinished business

BY ED FELIEN The public attack on Mayor Hodges by John Delmonico of the Minneapolis Police Federation, in crudely trying to associate her with gang members in what became known as Pointergate, has backfired big time. It quickly became a national joke, but it laid bare the antagonism between the…

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The death of dreams

BY ED FELIEN Late in November, just before Thanksgiving, Abdullahi ali Anshur was murdered by al Shabaab in Mogadishu. In what must have been a planned execution, they stopped his car and sprayed it with bullets. Anshur was a Somali engineer who returned to help reconstruct his homeland. In Minnesota…

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Queen of Cuisnine “Accident-Proof”

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Spill the Wine 901 W. Lake St. 612-339-3388 Spill the wine? Sure, I’ve been known to—but here, It’s. Not. My. Fault.  The name of the Lake Street bistro seems to stand, not for my challenged balance, but the outlook of the venue: It’s to drink, casually,…

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Don’t let the light go out

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The days grow shorter as they grow colder, and then, one or two days in December, the sun seems to stand still at its farthest point. For a few days, it seems that the days are not getting any shorter, but neither are they getting longer,…

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NENA Town Hall meeting

BY ED FELIEN The Nokomis East Neighborhood Association (NENA) will host a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. at the Keewaydin School cafeteria. From the NENA Board to Southside Pride:  “At the meeting on Dec.11, the current board intends to fill the eight existing vacancies.  The…

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An open letter to Chief Harteau

Southside Pride would like to see a copy of the police report on the accident that occurred in front of the 3rd Precinct Police Station on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 26. The driver of a blue van drove deliberately into a crowd of demonstrators.  Through traffic was going around a stalled…

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Does PPNA have a Strategic Plan?

BY ED FELIEN Last month the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association published its Strategic Plan.  Working with Aurora Consulting they came up with a four part plan describing values and focuses for the next few years. They want to Facilitate Community Engagement; Foster Community Development; Embrace Leadership; and Stimulate Economic Development.…

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Election Results

BY ED FELIEN Liberals and progressives were disappointed Tuesday, Nov. 4, with the loss of the U.S. Senate and the loss of the Minnesota State House to Republic-ans.  Dayton and Franken won easily, but the national losses cast a long shadow.  It looks like Republican gridlock and handouts to fat…

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Poems for the holidays

Dust of Snow By Robert Frost The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued. * * * * * * * * * *…

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