Category: Riverside
Wine and beer OK for La Ceiba Bistro
BY ED FELIEN On Tuesday, March 24, the City Council License Committee unanimously recommended approval of a “C-2 On-Sale Wine with Strong Beer license [that] shall permit amplified or non-amplified music by three (3) or fewer musicians.” for La Ceiba Bistro at 3500 Bloomington. They satisfied the city requirement for…
Ms Piff presents the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival
Powderhorn Birdwatch: The birds are back in town
Target Center all over again
Remembering James H. Knutson
Mitch and John, Part Three
Longfellow Art Crawl 2015???
Organizers of the 2014 Longfellow Art Crawl have announced they will not be planning and administering an art crawl in 2015, citing other time commitments and priorities. For its first five years, artist and graphic designer Bob Schmitt served as art crawl administrator, overseeing the entire process, coordinating other volunteers,…
March for peace, March 21
Internet service
BY ED FELIEN What’s the fastest, cheapest entrance ramp to the information super highway? There are a number of options for people in South Minneapolis. Xfinity, the local cable company previously known as Comcast, will give you basic cable plus internet for $79.99 a month. It’s $39.99 for internet alone.…
Queen of Cuisine: Making history at the history museum
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Café MN 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. (between Mulberry St. and John Ireland Blvd.) 651-259-3030 The Minnesota History Center, near the State Capitol in St. Paul, is taking its mission into the kitchen. Making culinary history these days on its lunch/brunch offerings in its food venue, Café…
The search begins for a super-Super
Bernadeia Johnson, superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools, 2010 to 2015
BY ED FELIEN Bernadeia Johnson was appointed superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools in the winter of 2010. She was the only candidate. School board members considered her perfect for the job because for the past two years she had worked under Superintendent Carol Johnson in administration to develop the long-range…
Raina’s Wellness: What about your diet?
BY RAINA GOLDSTEIN BUNNAG The recently released Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has made quite a flurry in the media. Everyone seems to have something to say about the nearly 600 page document. First, here’s a little history. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans were first created…