Writers create community

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN I’ve started going to two writing groups that have sprung up in our neighborhood. I go every time because I love words, language and people and that’s what these groups are about. I consider myself quite limited when it comes to imagination and since I wrote factual…

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‘Jersey Boys,’ a cautionary tale

BY ED FELIEN The music just carries you away. “Can’t Take My Eyes off of You,” “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Walk Like a Man,” “My Eyes Adored You,” “Oh, What a Night,” “Working My Way Back to You, Babe,” “Dawn, Go Away I’m No Good for You” – those…

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Medea melee in the peace movement

BY ED FELIEN Kieran Knutson held onto the door to the meeting with Medea Benjamin, threatening to disrupt the meeting. Members of Vets for Peace stood behind the door blocking his entrance. Dave Bicking asked him to leave. At least six officers and an MPD sergeant showed up. Eventually, Knutson…

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The left’s confusion harms the Ukrainian people

BY KIERAN F. KNUTSON, PRESIDENT OF CWA LOCAL 7250 On May 19 Medea Benjamin, the famous peace activist/celebrity, brought her book tour to south Minneapolis – and a modest protest of veterans, peace activists, Native Rights defenders and anarchists met her outside. Why would anyone be protesting a famous peace activist?…

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DFL conventions – Ward 12 and Ward 10

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE I am a member of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and I have been since 1986. In DSA, we like to debate something called the Dirty Break. This is premised on the decades of tension between the Democratic Party and the left outsiders, with the leftists…

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How we got here, Part Two

BY RICHARD TAYLOR NATO’s existence became justified by the need to manage threats provoked by its enlargement. —Historian Richard Sakwa As Americans, we must ask: Did U.S. policy inflame the crisis that led Russia to invade Ukraine?  To answer, let’s examine key events in Europe from 1989 to 2022. 1989…

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Vets for Peace response

BY MIKE MADDEN, VFP CHAPTER 27 Richard Taylor provides good background to the current proxy war being waged in Ukraine. I would add a few important points to his chronology: • The American role in overthrowing President Yanukovych was extensive. In addition to Sens. John McCain and Chris Murphy joining…

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My (non)dinner with Brian

BY TONY BOUZA “My Dinner with Andre” was one of my favorite flicks, so when I spied Andre Gregory in an abandoned Cape Cod pond parking lot, I rushed over and gushed my enthusiasm over his creation.  He guessed I was a professor and I had to dampen his reaction and…

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On a day sometime between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, long ago, at a time when peasants worked every day all the time, before the five-day, 40-hour workweek, peasants and workers decided there must be one day just for them.  For one day they would lay down their tools.  They…

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An appeal for free legal advice

BY ED FELIEN Attention dear friends in the Minneapolis legal community: I hope you have the opportunity to read the following brief asking for injunctive relief from the District Court to compel the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and CenterPoint Energy to remove barriers that are artificially raising the level…

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