Protesters march down 35W
Demonstrator hit by car
Charley Underwood on the Minneapolis Issues List:
Unfinished business
The death of dreams
BY ED FELIEN Late in November, just before Thanksgiving, Abdullahi ali Anshur was murdered by al Shabaab in Mogadishu. In what must have been a planned execution, they stopped his car and sprayed it with bullets. Anshur was a Somali engineer who returned to help reconstruct his homeland. In Minnesota…
Queen of Cuisnine “Accident-Proof”
Don’t let the light go out
Catholic Worker House confronts local frac sand mining
NENA Town Hall meeting
An open letter to Chief Harteau
Does PPNA have a Strategic Plan?
BY ED FELIEN Last month the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association published its Strategic Plan. Working with Aurora Consulting they came up with a four part plan describing values and focuses for the next few years. They want to Facilitate Community Engagement; Foster Community Development; Embrace Leadership; and Stimulate Economic Development.…