Exciting New Restaurants, Other Food-Related News, and a few Mini-reviews
All the Devils are Here

BY KAY SCHROVEN Thursday, Oct. 17- a full moon, Halloween on the horizon, and “All the Devils are Here” (produced by Octopus Theatricals productions) opens on the McGuire Proscenium stage at the Guthrie Theater. This is a one-man play about the dark side of humanity, a tour through Shakespeare’s invention…
Vote Nov. 5
What’s going on with the Third Precinct?

BY CLINT COMBS Protesters outraged over the murder of George Floyd torched the Third Police Precinct. Amid the charred remains of the building, city officials want to rebuild the precinct on 3000 Minnehaha Ave into a democracy hall and community center. It’s unanimous that no one wants another police precinct…
Encampment Turmoil Continues

BY CAM GORDON Power struggles over how to respond to encampments came to a head in September, following two fatal shootings near southside encampments. “We need to put a stop to these,” said Mayor Jacob Frey, referring to the encampments, following the second shooting death on Sept. 18. Outdoor camping…
2024 A Big Year for Education
Celebrate Fall on 42nd & 28th
Celebrating Fall in Dinkytown

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The future of the University neighborhood We’re going to start our look at Dinkytown by focusing on its neighborhood ecosystem. In 2023, the boards of four of the so-called University neighborhood associations (NAs), Marcy-Holmes (MHNA) which includes Dinkytown, Southeast Como (SECIA), Prospect Park (PPA) and Nicollet…
Jason Chavez is trying to save Agate Housing
NRC Apologizes — Admits Monticello Reactor-Leaked Tritium Has Reached the Mississippi

By John LaForge In April, I reported on false assurances made by Xcel Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regarding the November 2022 leak from the Monticello nuclear reactor of some 829,000 gallons of cooling water containing a huge concentration of radioactive tritium (technically, 5.2 million picocuries per liter).…
Seeking revenge? Dig two graves

BY DAVE GUTKNECHT The editor invited my comment on the recent advocacy by the UK prime minister and several former defense ministers of missile attacks into Russia, a threat that was avoided thanks to U.S. military voices of sanity. First, give credit to publishers who uphold the First Amendment and…
The Rope Release Party
TMORA’s Magic Mushrooms

BY ED FELIEN The Museum of Russian Art has a charming exhibit of watercolors by Alexander Viazmensky in one of its backrooms. It’s all mushrooms. His detail, down to the specks of dirt clinging to the roots, is astonishing. The flyer advertising the show has on its cover (unsurprisingly) a photo of…