
It’s not too late to register to vote!

BY THOMAS WOODWARD Getting the vote out this year could make or break us as a nation. Did you know there are people in our neighborhood who aren’t even registered yet? How about those who don’t even know where to get started?  If this describes you, don’t feel bad. Just…

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Vote November 8

BY ED FELIEN President:  Vote for Hillary.  OK, she’s not Bernie.  I’m not Bernie.  You’re not Bernie.  Bernie says vote for Hillary.  It’s the best chance we’ve got to make some changes that can protect people at the bottom from greedy clowns. Congress: Vote for Keith.  He stood with Bernie. …

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Halloween Witch Hunt

BY ED FELIEN The FBI continues to stoke the fires. They are determined to burn this witch. They blew smoke in everyone’s eyes years ago. They convinced nearly half the population that Hillary is guilty of something.  They couldn’t say what, exactly. “Emails, maybe.“ “Careless, she used her Blackberry in…

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Just in case

BY ED FELIEN Consider these contingency plans in case Trump wins the presidency. Noam Chomsky did a cursory overview of the Trump voter.  He (it’s mostly he) is white, rural or suburban, alienated, thinks minorities and women have been favored, not much education beyond high school. Noam said, “Why aren’t…

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Larry Olds, Presente

BY THOMAS O’CONNELL Larry Olds died peacefully at home on Oct. 13, and Minneapolis lost a great educator for social justice. A Powderhorn resident since 1974, Larry was one of this country’s strongest proponents of popular education, an approach made famous by the radical Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, author of…

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Hiawatha groundwater and stormwater pumping update

Key activities in Phase Two include investigations that support a full exploration of options related to pumping. While the general implications of two options—continuing pumping at current volumes or stopping pumping—were described in the June meetings, this stage of work will be more explicit in demonstrating the implications of those…

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Living on the wind: Carnival de Resistance

BY ELAINE KLAASSENA group of young artists from the Americas (roughly between the ages of 20 and 40) have found companionship, joy and common cause as they work to save the Earth. They are part of a relatively new organization, founded in 2013, called Carnival de Resistance. They convene as…

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Vote November 8

BY ED FELIEN President:  Vote for Hillary.  OK, she’s not Bernie.  I’m not Bernie.  You’re not Bernie.  Bernie says vote for Hillary.  It’s the best chance we’ve got to make some changes that can protect people at the bottom from greedy clowns. Congress: Vote for Keith.  He stood with Bernie. …

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Whither Dinkytown?

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE While the future’s there for anyone to change, still you know, it seems It would be easier sometimes to change the past. –Jackson Browne, “Fountain of Sorrow” In the summer of 2015, after many months of debate, the Minneapolis City Council voted to make an oddly-shaped…

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“Unaccountable” is out in paperback

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN Sometimes you want to hide away from all the forces that play and prey upon you. As the imminent election looms over us with a 100-ton shadow, one might want to not even vote and just read the Bible or watch “Star Trek.” Some religious groups don’t…

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Remembering Armistice Day

BY THOMAS DICKINSON, for WAMM In 1918 in the 11th month, on the 11th day at the 11th hour, the armistice for the “War to end all wars” was signed in Compiègne, France. Commemorated as “Armistice Day” in most countries, the name and focus were shifted in the U.S. in…

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BY POLLY MANN You won’t find the word in a dictionary as I just coined it. Its roots are BA which stands for “banks” and SUG which stands for “sugar.” You might say it stands for sugary or sweet bankers and that would, in a sense, be true for these…

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