FROM WHERE I STAND: Poor little Puerto Rico
CONFESSIONS OF AN UNREPENTANT MAOIST: The Eater House and the Georgeville Commune, 1969
A special care home for ‘los ancianos’
THOUGHTS ON RACE BY A BIRACIAL GIRL: Lying is a form of loyalty
My lake in my basement
Dick and Dorothy Pitheon
One Show at the Fringe: ‘It Always Rained in Paris’
Illusion Theater’s Fresh Ink Series displays the dramatic process
‘Bars and Measures’ at the Jungle Theater
BY ADAM M. SCHENCK “Bars and Measures,” like the emotive Guthrie play “Disgraced,” takes as its theme the intersection of Islam, terrorism and our politics. The characters have their traits and flaws: Bilal (Ansa Akyea) is a hotheaded convert to Islam and a talented jazz bassist. His younger brother Eric…
Women in policing
BY TONY BOUZA The NYPD I entered on 1/1/53 had a Police-woman’s Bureau (adopting the androgynous “police officer” came about 20 years later and the police union is still called “The Patrolman’s Benevolent Association” —a classic anachronism). There were maybe 150 females in a department of over 20,000, and they…