It’s THE BIRD! Thanks to all our readers for their wonderful suggestions for names for our new football stadium. After careful consideration, we think Gayle Bonneville’s suggestion sums up what Zygi Wilf and the last Mayor and the last City Council gave to the Minneapolis taxpayers. They flipped us The…
Will the city seek justice?
BY ED FELIEN The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office has declined to prosecute Jeffrey Rice for driving his car into a crowd of demonstrators in front of the Third Precinct station on Nov. 25. They told Southside Pride: “After reviewing all of the facts from the police investigation, prosecutors determined that…
Powderhorn Birdwatch: Dark and gloomy February illuminated by early Robins
Fighting City Hall
BY CHUCK TURCHICK Yes, you can fight City Hall, and sometimes even win a little something. When the Minneapolis Police Conduct Oversight Commission (PCOC)—the citizen body that took over all the Civilian Review Authority functions other than actually hearing cases involving allegations of police misconduct—held its first meeting in October…
County attorney will not prosecute Jeffrey Rice
BY ED FELIEN At a demonstration on Nov. 25 of last year in front of the Third Precinct station at Lake and Minnehaha, Jeffrey Rice drove his car into a crowd of demonstrators. Southside Pride encouraged demonstrators to contact the County Attorney’s Office with information about the incident with the…
The continuing struggle
Queen of Cusine: New Kid (Back) in Town
Raina’s Wellness: Deciphering today’s health information
Letter to the Editor: Stadium
Name the Stadium contest
Hiawatha Beach to close permanently
BY ED FELIEN The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board will close Hiawatha Beach permanently this summer, and it’s not clear whether they will open even part of Hiawatha Golf Course for the season. At its Feb. 4 meeting, the planning committee of the park board accepted and approved the Nokomis-Hiawatha…
‘The Color Purple’
BY TONY BOUZA Garrulous geezerhood lends itself most readily to peevishness—so, here are a few: When prominent folks are unmasked as fools, idiots, frauds, sex fiends or pimps, their default position is to kill the messenger. That means the press. Americans—potentially the best informed citizens the world has known—should see…