Open Streets Lyndale is an autumn celebration
The state of public education
Autumn at Midtown Global Market
Celebrate Fall in Dinkytown
The Dish – Openings and closings, food news, reviews and rankings from others, and my mini-review from GA
The Tampa 5 – students face jail
Chief O’Hara and the MPD’s new structure

BY KAY SCHROVEN Changes Ten months into his position as the 54th chief of the Minneapolis Police Department, Brian O’Hara is encouraged, especially about the recent restructuring of the department. He is also acutely aware of the challenges the MPD faces. O’Hara accepted the position knowing he would be walking…
Murray on Assange, whistleblowers and the press

BY AMY BLUMENSHINE On the recent anniversary of 9/11, over a hundred people came to hear whistleblower and former British ambassador Craig Murray at the Hook and Ladder. A Scotsman and career diplomat for the United Kingdom, Murray had been ambassador to Uzbekistan as our “Global War on Terror” was…
Crazy priorities at the Park Board

BY KATHRYN KELLY On a recent beautiful Sunday afternoon I took a drive around the Nokomis-Hiawatha neighborhood. Nokomis Park has numerous softball fields along Cedar Avenue, but they were empty and unused. The plentiful tennis courts in the neighborhood were also unused except for one of five courts on 43rd…
For the love of birds: two women bring book to finish line
‘Consent of the governed’— gone!
MPD falls short on domestic violence response

BY CAM GORDON A new report released this spring by the Minneapolis-based nonprofit organization Global Rights for Women confirms that the city’s response to domestic violence calls continues to fall short. The report, “An Institutional Analysis of the Minneapolis Police Response to Domestic Violence,” was presented to the Community Commission on…
Hope on Chicago Avenue and George Floyd Square

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Whither George Floyd Square? In May, the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder wrote about George Floyd Square, the headline stating that it “remains a work in progress.” That is certainly true. The opening sentence of the piece is a bit more controversial: “In the three years since the murder…
Fall on Chicago Avenue at 48th Street

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE I found myself visiting Kowalski’s, the one on Chicago Avenue they call the Parkview store, after a long absence. In those occasional rankings of local grocery stories, Kowalski’s comes out as a paradox. When considering prices, it is the most expensive chain of grocery stores in…