U.S. Government’s Failure to Protect People of Color and American Indians From Racist Practices of Mortgage Bankers in the Minneapolis St. Paul Metropolitan Area, 2008 to 2012
A report sent to the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Geneva, Switzerland Reporting Organization: Southside Pride Southside Pride, a community newspaper in South Minneapolis, has reported on the racist practices of mortgage bankers in making loans to minorities and people living in…
Creek Cleanup Sunday, July 27
The 2014 Minnehaha Creek Cleanup has been rescheduled to Sunday, July 27, due to dangerously high water in Minnehaha Creek and surrounding lakes. The annual Minnehaha Creek Cleanup has outgrown its old boundaries and is expanding creekwide to collect even more trash! Volunteers will receive a free T-shirt, water bottle,…
The greening of the great barrier wall
Richfield Farmers Market
Unmarried mothers
Egypt, the Next Chile
BY NATHAN BLUMENSHINE Recently I visited the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Santiago, Chile. The exhibits focused primarily on the killings, torture and disappearances perpetrated by the Pinochet military regime during its 16-year rule after overthrowing the Allende government in 1973. As do many monuments memorializing tragedies, I…
Marijuana Reform: the good, the bad and the very ugly
Focus on vets
BY AMY BLUMENSHINE At least 22 veterans die by suicide each day. These deaths deserve our community attention. These deaths deserve our societal resolve to address the suffering some veterans experience before more tragic and unnecessary final losses reverberate through our communities. Veterans account for 20% of all suicides. Recently,…
Progress reported in fighting racist lending practices
BY ED FELIEN Minneapolis City Council Member Blong Yang will hold a hearing in his committee on the evidence of racist redlining lending practices by Minneapolis banks. Council Member Cam Gordon, in his newsletter to his ward, said, “On July 23 (1:30 p.m.) Myron Orfield from the Institute on Metropolitan…
Powderhorn Birdwatch “Growing up in the park”
Historic moments for Cedar Avenue, 2014
What happened to True Thai?
SNG reduces rates for loans to 2.5%
FROM THE SEWARD NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP The Seward Neighborhood Group (SNG) has allocated NRP Phase II funding for home improvements within the Seward neighborhood. Eligible applicants include owner occupants and rental property owners of 1-4 unit buildings: 2.50% fixed interest rate. $12,000 maximum. Flexible terms up to 10 years. Eligible improvements…