City DFL endorses for School Board

BY ED FELIEN Rebecca Gagnon easily won DFL endorsement for a second term on the Minneapolis School Board at the DFL City Convention at Roosevelt High on Saturday, April 26. She received 81% on the first ballot. Iris Altamirano, the political director of Local 26 of the Service Employees International…

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A Tiny Diner with big dreams

BY ED FELIEN When we asked the painter working on the building just last week, he said they’re hoping to open in the middle of May, which could mean late May or early June. But work on the building on 38th Street between 10th and 11th Avenues is nearly done.…

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Some healthcare reform is better than no healthcare reform

BY LYNN BALFOUR   Why did the U.S. healthcare system need reforming? According to the United States Census, approximately 46 million Americans were uninsured in 2009.  Health insurance was so costly that people could not afford it. Many Americans delayed seeking medical care from a primary care physician and instead relied…

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Double homicide on Lake Street

BY ED FELIEN On Friday night, April 11, at about 9:30 p.m., Minneapolis police found the bodies of two Somali men, Dahir Ahmed Abdirahman, 29, and Tahany Abdi Omar Erbob, 24, in a car parked in a parking lot behind an apartment building near Lake and 29th Avenue in the…

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Kahn v Noor in DFL Primary in August

BY ED FELIEN After a long Saturday afternoon and five ballots, the 60B DFL convention adjourned without an endorsement, and incumbent Phyllis Kahn and challenger Muhamed Noor will meet in the Aug. 12 primary. Nearly 300 activists participated in the balloting at DeLaSalle High School in Minneapolis on April 5.…

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Syria, sarin gas, Mint Press and false flags

BY ED FELIEN The Washington Post noted on April 16 that “Syria’s opposition fighters have been supplied with U.S.-made anti-tank missiles, the first time a major American weapons system has appeared in rebel hands. It is unclear how the rebels obtained the wire-guided missiles, which are capable of penetrating heavy…

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The story of MayDay – 39 inevitable miracles

BY DEBORAH KEEFER RAMAGE Is the MayDay Parade and Ceremony an unlikely miracle, or is it inevitable that something like this would emerge from this particular community? Most of the people I asked this replied with some variation of “a little bit of both!” On the one hand, it’s unique,…

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Queen of Cuisine “Falling Star”

BY ED FELIEN AND CARLA WALDEMAR When someone’s dream dies, it diminishes all of us. Margaret Chamberlain’s dream of Bread Star Rising is dead. We were so excited about the idea of artisan bread baked right here in the neighborhood that we sent ace gourmet and Queen of Cuisine Carla…

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Potholes and paving projects

BY ED FELIEN According to Mike Kennedy, the city’s director of the Transportation Maintenance and Repair Division, residents in the southwest and Lake Nokomis areas of the city call in with more complaints than anywhere else. But, the StarTribune reported, “He doesn’t believe their streets have more potholes than other…

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Raina’s Wellness “50 Years of Anti-Tobacco”

BY RAINA GOLDSTEIN BUNNAG This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. This landmark report was the first of its kind to present a clear causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer. This set the foundation for what would…

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