FROM WHERE I STAND: Kill hunger, not people

BY POLLY MANN The U.N. announced that a famine affecting 20 million people would be likely if the U.N. couldn’t muster up an additional $4.4 billion in food relief by the end of March. Historically, the United States has provided such funds to the U.N. In order for the President…

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When will they say, ‘No More War!’?

BY ED FELIEN writes: “Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) has introduced a bipartisan bill to block additional U.S. forces from being sent into Syria. “H.R. 1473 prohibits the Department of Defense from funding any attempt by the administration to expand our presence in Syria by putting U.S. combat boots on…

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Organizational Cultures

BY TONY BOUZA America—under the prodding of Black Lives Matter—struggles with the question of police behavior, even as it shells out millions and millions following abusive encounters. How to explain it? Practically all of us get it when combat soldiers speak of the mystical bond forged by shared danger. That,…

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Go to your precinct caucus!

BY ED FELIEN Go to your precinct caucuses tomorrow night, Tuesday, April 4.  It’s the first step in the beginning of a great adventure. It’s a three-way race for City Council in Ward 6 and Ward 9.  Three-way races are always much more volatile and exciting than a two-person race.…

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Groundbreaking for Phillips pool

BY STEPHANIE FOX New construction at the Phillips Community Center has begun, with a groundbreaking ceremony and a mini-tour of the site that will soon house the only indoor swimming pools in the city’s park system. Included in the plan is a renovation of an existing 6-lane pool and a…

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Ms Piff turns 36 in 2017

It’s here.  Thank God and Goddesses, it’s spring! Two things mean spring in Minneapolis: The film festival and Mayday. The 36th Annual Minneapolis St Paul International Film Festival (Ms Piff to those of us who care), April 13-29, will be bringing us 250 new films from more than 70 countries.…

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Our Revolution MN endorses Alondra Cano

BY ORMN VOLUNTEER LILY KEIRE Our Revolution has endorsed Alondra Cano for council member of the 9th Ward. We are proud of Alondra’s accomplishments, Alondra’s progressive stance, and Alondra’s adherence to principles shared by Our Revolution MN. We stand together for fundamental transformation through popular power. We seek to overcome…

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The world needs food, not bombs

BY POLLY MANN The U.N. announced that a famine affecting 20 million people would be likely if the U.N. couldn’t muster up an additional $4.4 billion in food relief by the end of March. Historically, the United States has provided such funds to the U.N. In order for the President…

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A liberal apology for Donald Trump: Many on the left say that Trump’s election calls for “resistance.” Instead we should look inward.

BY ADAM MICHAEL SCHENCK Admit it. Donald J. Trump is a remarkable person. Now read this: For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the…

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BY TONY BOUZA One of the inescapable disabilities of geezerhood is the temptation to reminisce.  Here I go. The time is early 1968.  I am the eminence grise to the highest ranking member of the NYPD—a Sammy Glick* who knew how to run after the prize—and get it—but had no…

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Come McMasters of War

BY ED FELIEN Come you masters of war You that build all the guns You that build the death planes You that build the big bombs You that hide behind walls You that hide behind desks I just want you to know I can see through your masks   –Bob Dylan…

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Why should I go to my precinct caucus?

BY ED FELIEN A friend wrote on the Mpls Issues List that he’s discouraged about going to his precinct caucus: “Before, precinct caucuses were in the precincts or very close, but after the caucuses went consolidated, no longer could one walk to a caucus. One would have to drive and…

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