Queen of Cuisine “Falling Star”

BY ED FELIEN AND CARLA WALDEMAR When someone’s dream dies, it diminishes all of us. Margaret Chamberlain’s dream of Bread Star Rising is dead. We were so excited about the idea of artisan bread baked right here in the neighborhood that we sent ace gourmet and Queen of Cuisine Carla…

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Potholes and paving projects

BY ED FELIEN According to Mike Kennedy, the city’s director of the Transportation Maintenance and Repair Division, residents in the southwest and Lake Nokomis areas of the city call in with more complaints than anywhere else. But, the StarTribune reported, “He doesn’t believe their streets have more potholes than other…

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Raina’s Wellness “50 Years of Anti-Tobacco”

BY RAINA GOLDSTEIN BUNNAG This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. This landmark report was the first of its kind to present a clear causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer. This set the foundation for what would…

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At home in the neighborhood

BY DWIGHT HOBBES You can’t quite call it “God’s Little Acre,” but the tiny strip of Columbus Avenue South between 18th Street and Franklin Avenue is something of a heavenly oasis in the hellish landscape that has Chicago and Franklin at the hub, a clearing house of crack peddling and…

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Breakfasting with Alondra Cano

BY DAVID TILSEN In January, Alondra Cano officially started her new job as the council member representing the 9th Ward of Minneapolis. She said the work actually started the evening she was elected. Her phone began ringing and people began asking her to listen to them. As she started to…

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Straight talk about Crimea

BY ED FELIEN Crimea is a dangling appendix to Ukraine. It is connected by a narrow patch of land barely 10 miles across. The total area of Ukraine is about 233,000 square miles. The total area of Crimea is about 10,000 square miles, so Crimea represents only 4.3% of the…

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Queen of Cuisine “Blue Meadow”

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Bluestem 2610 Lyndale Ave. S. 612-870-7855 Monday morning, and we’re hungry. So hungry a bagel won’t do. And neither will dishwater coffee. Sooo—picture a scene in a Woody Allen movie—we’re driving around South Minneapolis—Patisserie 46, Lynn on Bryant, Lucia’s, braking only for their “Closed on Mondays” signs.…

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