Category: Riverside
Charley’s Garden “Suggestions for annihilating gloom”
Andrew Johnson’s first 100 (and a bit) days
Potholes and paving projects
BY ED FELIEN According to Mike Kennedy, the city’s director of the Transportation Maintenance and Repair Division, residents in the southwest and Lake Nokomis areas of the city call in with more complaints than anywhere else. But, the StarTribune reported, “He doesn’t believe their streets have more potholes than other…
Neighborhood Roundup: Organics recycling in HPDL is here! NENA annual meeting
Attention Hale, Page and Diamond Lake residents: Recycle organics beginning on Earth Day, Saturday, April 26, from 9:30 to noon at Pearl Park. Bring all your compostables like fruit and veggie scraps, meat and dairy, and paper products like napkins, pizza boxes and much more. Volunteer monitors will be on…
Ms Piff presents the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival
Raina’s Wellness “50 Years of Anti-Tobacco”
BY RAINA GOLDSTEIN BUNNAG This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. This landmark report was the first of its kind to present a clear causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer. This set the foundation for what would…
At home in the neighborhood
Breakfasting with Alondra Cano
Ms Piff presents the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival
Powderhorn Birdwatch “Spring is for the brrrrds”
Straight talk about Crimea
Abdi Warsame’s very bad, terrible, really awful first few months
BY ED FELIEN Minneapolis City Council Member Abdi Warsame has had a very bad first couple of months. First, he voted for Barbara Johnson for council president against his fellow Southside council member, Elizabeth Glidden. Any hope progressives had that he would align himself with liberals from South Minneapolis like…
Charley’s Garden “Nothing to lose and everything to gain”
Queen of Cuisine “Blue Meadow”
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Bluestem 2610 Lyndale Ave. S. 612-870-7855 Monday morning, and we’re hungry. So hungry a bagel won’t do. And neither will dishwater coffee. Sooo—picture a scene in a Woody Allen movie—we’re driving around South Minneapolis—Patisserie 46, Lynn on Bryant, Lucia’s, braking only for their “Closed on Mondays” signs.…