Artists fire up a neighborhood
City Council blocks our right to vote
IIhan Omar wins in 60B
BY ED FELIEN Against amazing odds, Ilhan Omar, Somali-American mother of three, won a difficult DFL Primary Tuesday, Aug. 9. She got 2,404 votes—almost 41 percent. Mohamud Noor, another Somali American, received 1,738 votes, or 29.6 percent, and long-time incumbent Phyllis Kahn got 1,726 votes, or 29.4 percent. “We are…
St. Paul’s Grand Avenue and how to get there
Queen of Cuisine: Good neighbor
BY CARLA WALDEMAR Bradstreet Neighborhood Craftshouse 1930 Hennepin Ave. S. 612-871-1200 Back in Ought Nine when Bradstreet Craftshouse operated in the belly of the Graves Hotel downtown, the cocktail cognoscenti love-love-loved it. Me, too, for the inventive small plates slid across the bar along with that martini glass. But…
Smith College, 1967 to 1969
‘Who gonna take away his license to kill?
THOUGHTS ON RACE BY A BIRACIAL GIRL: I’m black but not black enough
Open Streets 2016 on Franklin Avenue
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Reader favors Police Insurance Amendment
Minneapolis city officials are working overtime to uphold the status quo. They have manipulated the charter amendment process and skated around both long-standing city rules and state law in an effort to keep our Police Insurance Amendment off the November ballot. And they’re hoping you don’t notice. The City Charter…
Well, dam!
BY DEANNA BOSS Park Commissioner Steffanie Musich’s response to the woes of my flooded basement from last month’s article was that we need to plant more native grasses and flowers with stronger root systems to better manage storm water. Then, she wrote: “The elevation of Lake Nokomis is controlled by…
Lyndale Avenue’s Arts, Culture and Entertainment
Citizens grapple with racism
BY CHRISTOPHER HARRISON ELDRIDGE “These are heavy times.” With this observation City Council Vice President Elizabeth Glidden opened her address to the gathered Minneapolitans, seated and serried in a third floor auditorium in Lake Street’s Plaza Verde complex. The high ceilings, crossed by sheer cloth, combine with the worn hardwood…
When Constabulary’s Duty’s to be done
BY TONY BOUZA Gilbert and Sullivan had it right—A policeman’s (today’s grammarians would insist on an androgynous “police officer”—and be right) lot is not a happy one. Cops shoot black males. Riots explode. The Criminal Justice System contorts itself and produces grotesque outcomes. The Dallas killing of five cops evokes…